Kiting Controls

I was reading up on kiting with a hunter, and saw some advice that when you jump and turn in midair, be sure and use the mouse buttons to turn so you turn more quickly. But my mousepad buttons seem to be turning my toon just as slowly as the arrow keys on the keyboard. Is there a setting I need to adjust?

According to the article I read, you should be able to turn in midair, fire, and turn almost all the way back around again before landing. But I can't even get turned far enough around to fire before I hit the ground.

BTW, I am just using a laptop mousepad. Would I get different results with a usb mouse? Is there a mouse out there that has third and fourth buttons I can bind for moving forwards and backwards too?
the article probably means jumping, using your right click mouse button to manually turn your character 180 degrees, and then 180 degrees back before he lands. I do it often when im kiting and i get a nightfall proc.

as for your mouse, wow is much easier with a USB mouse, especially pvp.
squidmagnet said:
mousepad buttons

I think this is your problem. Are you playing with a mouse pad and not a mouse?

When I kite (all the time on every class!!!) I jump with the space bar, and turn using the MOUSE - shoot - and turn back before I hit the ground.
You should right-clicking and hold on your screen, then move your mouse quickly to the right or left to turn yourself in a 180 degree fashion. It's almost instant.

I generally use W to move forward, and Q and E for strafing.
WSG said:
I generally use W to move forward, and Q and E for strafing.

Most people change their keybindings like this (similar to any FPS) and only use the mouse to turn. I suggest you get a USB mouse as high end pvp will be impossible until you do. This also free's up 2 extra keys to bind skills to, something else which is pretty crucial. If you want to pvp with the best you should have almost everything you use in combat keybound.
personally, i find it rather complex and challenging to kite other classes on my 19 hunter. however, do not despair - all is not lost. i have developed a control technique that i am confident will allow even the most "newbie" of players to succeed on a 19 hunter.... i call it: the Face Roll.

first, you will need a keyboard. a mouse is optional; some more *advanced* players like to incorporate a mouse into their gaming experience. don't be intimidated - the jump to a mouse is a big step, and it's not for everyone, especially right away.

you will need to bind all your kiting abilities to keys on your keyboard: concussive shot, wing clip, pet snare or stun, etc. personally, i bind my entire top row (Q-P) to concussive, the 2nd row (A-L) to wing clip, and my bottom row (Z-M) is my pet snare + my pvp trinket in a castrandom macro. of course, you will use the arrow keys to the right of the keyboard to move your character around.

now, once you're in an intense PUG warsong gulch level 19's where the challenge begins. once you have an enemy targeted with the spammage of the "tab" button, you can go in for the kill. place your face *DIRECTLY* in the middle of your keyboard. an optimal placement would be nose between the G-H-T-Y keys, chin on the spacebar (for jumping, it gives you extra dodge % especially if you're nightelf or bloodelf), and forehead on the number keys. you can bind your "damage" abilities to the number keys if you like.....i don't find that i ever really need to, though.

once you've engaged the enemy, you will need to roll your face around on the keyboard in order to activate your abilities. is the enemy far away? scrunch your nose and forehead together and roll to one side in order to concussive shot them. if they're in melee? wiggle your nose from side to side. and if you're in big trouble, start flapping your lips around and wildly roll your face to activate your pet ability and/or pvp trinket.

if you follow this guide, you should have NO PROBLEM kiting other classes successfully on your level 19 hunter. this technique has never failed for any player that i have ever heard of. you have the Lloydganks Guaranteeâ„¢ that this will work.

i wish you happy hunting in your PUG warsong gulch level 19 experiences - show those untwinked lowbies who's boss!!
Wow you didnt even close to the subject she is talking about.

My 2cents; If you find the program that was installed to your computer, you can adjust mouse sensitivity. I'm not sure, but i remember that option ALSO being in your WoW setings, to adjust the senitivity of your mouse (Speed)

The type of mouse doesnt mater, its just the default speed that mouse comes with, but you CAN change it, i know this to be a fact, just gotta do a little snooping.

And i do this a lot on my hunter, but personally i enjoy allready side strafing, which most often you can just shoot them like that, but if not, jump, and you only have to turn slightly, not 180*
facerolling applies more to DKs, but i can see it working for hunters too
Lloydganks said:
personally, i find it rather complex and challenging to kite other classes on my 19 hunter. however, do not despair - all is not lost. i have developed a control technique that i am confident will allow even the most "newbie" of players to succeed on a 19 hunter.... i call it: the Face Roll.

first, you will need a keyboard. a mouse is optional; some more *advanced* players like to incorporate a mouse into their gaming experience. don't be intimidated - the jump to a mouse is a big step, and it's not for everyone, especially right away.

you will need to bind all your kiting abilities to keys on your keyboard: concussive shot, wing clip, pet snare or stun, etc. personally, i bind my entire top row (Q-P) to concussive, the 2nd row (A-L) to wing clip, and my bottom row (Z-M) is my pet snare + my pvp trinket in a castrandom macro. of course, you will use the arrow keys to the right of the keyboard to move your character around.

now, once you're in an intense PUG warsong gulch level 19's where the challenge begins. once you have an enemy targeted with the spammage of the "tab" button, you can go in for the kill. place your face *DIRECTLY* in the middle of your keyboard. an optimal placement would be nose between the G-H-T-Y keys, chin on the spacebar (for jumping, it gives you extra dodge % especially if you're nightelf or bloodelf), and forehead on the number keys. you can bind your "damage" abilities to the number keys if you like.....i don't find that i ever really need to, though.

once you've engaged the enemy, you will need to roll your face around on the keyboard in order to activate your abilities. is the enemy far away? scrunch your nose and forehead together and roll to one side in order to concussive shot them. if they're in melee? wiggle your nose from side to side. and if you're in big trouble, start flapping your lips around and wildly roll your face to activate your pet ability and/or pvp trinket.

if you follow this guide, you should have NO PROBLEM kiting other classes successfully on your level 19 hunter. this technique has never failed for any player that i have ever heard of. you have the Lloydganks Guaranteeâ„¢ that this will work.

i wish you happy hunting in your PUG warsong gulch level 19 experiences - show those untwinked lowbies who's boss!!

that is win as fuck. I lol'd hard
Lloyd, you are an ahole in every thread I see you in but after that post.. you are my new favorite person. Thats the funniest thing I have seen in a while. lol.
very nice.

I rolled a hunter to help a friend level the other day, and I was aghast to find that I could even auto-attack while running. Just jump, turn and pause for the teensiest amount of time and you'll shoot off your normal shot (of course you have to wait a few seconds depending on your weapon speed before it'll shoot again.) And of course they made it so you don't have to change from ranged to melee when your target moves in/out of range.

GG Blizz.
Wow.... He made a joke post and i actually answered the question.. Dont read a thread for a laugh.

/Thanks to myself, fucking god.
Twinkzruz said:
My 2cents; If you find the program that was installed to your computer, you can adjust mouse sensitivity. I'm not sure, but i remember that option ALSO being in your WoW setings, to adjust the senitivity of your mouse (Speed)

Lots of mouses don't need a driver. Windows (be it 95 or Vista) got a default option to change mouse sensitivity.

Start -> Control Panel -> Mouse.

Anyways, if you can't turn with a touchpad I don't think you got it right. If you did it right, you would've find out yourself that it's harder to do with a touchpad.

Back in the days when I went to school and used a laptop and the teachers wouldn't let us use a USB mouse (So we didn't wanna play) I could easily jump, turn, concussive, turn.

Hold the right mouse button down, have auto-walk on, jump. Now rapidly move your finger across the touchpad while also spamming your concussive shot button. He should be slowed and you just stop turning when you are back in a direction you like. I've allways had a really low sensitivity, so this is pretty much doable. You just gotta get used to it.

Ofc I got a usb mouse now and don't have to worry about that stuff anymore.
Yes, and the wireless and wired mouses dont make much of a difference. In all of my 4 years of using a wireless mouse, i must admit in 2004 they were crappy, but time progresses, and they have NEVER lagged or did anything that would upset me. Probably the best type of mouse imo, because i have a small area of room to use my mouse, and usb wireless are generally very small, like an actual mice. High sensitivity, low blue glowing mousepad, digital, wireless, yes, im ready to kick some serious ass.

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