Kill airlea!


I, Keydenscrow Takezô Tradal, hearby issue a Writ of Execution for player Airlea on the realm of Azgalor. She is a lvl 54 Undead Mage and her presence on the server is an insult to me. I will require proof of demise for each kill, a screen shot or video record will suffice. On reciept of the proof of demise, which must be made a minimum of 10 times for it to count, I shall mail 1,000 gold peices to the Executioner(Player who made the kills).

In addition, for those who wish to fufill an even greater writ, I am issueing a Writ of Execution for 10,000 gold peices for a proof of demise of each of her loved ones who are on realm. A minimum of 10 kills must be made on each loved one, and each kill must be screen captured or video record. This will require a good deal of deceit and subterfuge.

Should she have a lvl 80 on server the original Writ of Execution shall be modified to accomodate the Executioner/s' needs. Proof of main and proof of demise shall be required.

Keydenscrow Takezô Tradal


Horde or Alliance can accept this Writ of Execution. Must be on the realm Azgalor to accept Writ. Ingame contact will not be made until after proof of demise has been confirmed via Email. Taunting of the aforementioned is encouraged; however, it is not required. All 10 kills must be made without the Executioner/s dieing themselves.
umadbro? - What'd this poor soul do to infuriate you enough to put a reward out for camping her? Also, imo for anyone intending to do this - contact this person and say you'll pay her 10g for each time she lets you kill her. Easy profit.
go for it. even if you do pay her, shell be dead for a good half hour doing nothing. im pretty sure shes not going to go for that. get the kills, email me the pics/vids, get paid.

nah, i aint mad brah. if i had a rogue id have her camped 24/7... but i dont... so i dont... im hoping this will motivate headhunting in warcraft, which seems to be dead.

eve-online style bounty hunting is what i want. you kill, i pay, i be happy, you be happy.

ALSO for those of you who want spellshock leggings.... i have a pair... i have given up on my warlock and no longer want them. camp her main, whoever it is, and they are yours.
keydenscrow said:
ALSO for those of you who want spellshock leggings.... i have a pair... i have given up on my warlock and no longer want them. camp her main, whoever it is, and they are yours.

o_O Serious? You got a SS or anything?

ss? not sure what that is bro, but maybe. i have a runed ring of healing, and im pretty sure im the only one ingame with a runed ring.

i want this person dead and camped. i want her friends camped. i want her off azgalor. id camp her myself if i had a rogue, but i dont. im hoping that i can pay enough people to just raid her ass. i can afford 89kg worth of her being dead... plus spellshock... plus runed ring... plus whatever else i have that people want... chans, hydralick, whatever you want for 49 i got it. kill her and bring me proof of the dead.
keydenscrow said:
ss? not sure what that is bro, but maybe. i have a runed ring of healing, and im pretty sure im the only one ingame with a runed ring.

i want this person dead and camped. i want her friends camped. i want her off azgalor. id camp her myself if i had a rogue, but i dont. im hoping that i can pay enough people to just raid her ass. i can afford 89kg worth of her being dead... plus spellshock... plus runed ring... plus whatever else i have that people want... chans, hydralick, whatever you want for 49 i got it. kill her and bring me proof of the dead.

Screenshot you halfwit.
SS = Screen shot. I was asking for a SS of the Spellshocks.

As for the nerf or whatever you want to call it on Spellshocks in Cata, it doesn't matter much to collectors like myself. What would matter is if they up the drop rate.

ive seen runed ring drop b4...granted it was a crappy variation and i lost the roll, but i guarantee you arent the only one in the game of 12 million people with one
oh, nah i dont got a screenie of them. poppe lvl 19 has seen them... im only on this at work. no wow here. i think i posted a screen shot of my entire gbank which was full of twink gear when i first came to this ti. if you dont mind me being lazy, can i just have you go look that up? lol

also noone has taken me up on my bounty post... someone should go kill her so i can give them money.
ive had this runed ring since like 3 weeks into bc. runed ring of healing. back then it was kinda pointless, but now its semi legit. 37 spellpower from 1 item. i was going to use it on my warlock that i never lvled to 49 =(

speaking of which... is full spellpower a decent gear set for a warlock now? i have all lvl 49 spellpower gear with 2 gdaddy lens' one of stam one of spell power on my lock that i want to use when he hits 49. im not sure about caster dps gear, i havent played him since before the patch. hes at lvl 38 and in normal bgs i healed myself for more than most people could hit. i used to just run around corruption spam + dlife people, and when i had a fnck ton of sp i healed for a good bit of hp.
If I had a char on your realm I'd do it for the items. Hope you find someone as it would be kinda fun to do. Also, Taitaih is the resident 49 Lock expert. Ask him about the gear.

ill gladly give them to whoever wants them, if they find airlea's main and gank her and her friends. i have this dream of her and like 2 of her friends walking thru org after a bg or something and then 10 rogues ambushing them then vanishing. hell, i need to stop being lazy and lvl my rogue to 80 so i can do it by myself.

sometimes i miss silver hand... then i remember that people who play rp servers are gay. <hit squad> RIP...
first off casters gain spell power from int now, so +SP items might now work out to be the best. especially considering the burst at 49 is higher than ever...with full of shadow wrath or +SP gear you will not survive a global.

its much better to get the balanced gear with stam/int and haste/crit. 37 SP from a single ring is certainly nice, but for a balanced set it probably isnt that good when you can get rings like underworld band or cyclopean band which give up SP for sta and other stats. but thats up to the individual caster.

also back on burning blade in the day people used to post for hits on the forums all the time, so it isnt just on RP servers, but it definitely is a lost art with floods of new players coming since BC and especially LK and diluting the tight knit community that was vanilla wow.

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