
Patch 7.1 - Karazhan
Karazhan makes a return in Patch 7.1 as a new five player Mythic only dungeon. It will have nine bosses and a weekly lockout.
Patron of War Title
The Patron of War title has been handed out in the US and EU. If you don't already have it, be sure to link your Twitch account and watch the arena games this weekend!
Patch 7.0.3 Hotfixes - October 6
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
- Warlock
- (Destruction) Dimensional Rift will no longer spawn portals that are out of range to do damage to your target.
Mythic Keystone Dungeons
- Artifact Power rewards from end-of-run Mythic Keystone chests now increases with the Level of the Mythic Keystone Dungeon.
- When beating a Mythic Keystone timer by a margin so significant that your Keystone is upgraded by more than one step, you will earn multiple loot chests as before, however, the additional chests beyond the first will no longer contain Artifact Power.
- Developers’ Notes: These changes are aimed at aligning the efficiency of the different tiers of difficulty, so that a well-geared group of dungeon experts is rewarded more for tackling a high-level Mythic dungeon, rather than incentivized to stomp an entry-level dungeon.
- The Archaeology World Quest heirloom reward Spear of Rethu should now be item level 700, as intended (was item level 605).
Changes to Mythic Keystone Rewards
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker
/ Official Forums
We’re deploying a hotfix as soon as possible that will change some of the contents of the chests at the end of Mythic Keystone dungeon runs:
- The Artifact Power contained in Challenger’s Cache awarded for completing a given difficulty will now contain increasing amounts of Artifact Power depending on the difficulty cleared.
- Prior to the hotfix, this Cache contained 400 base (pre-Knowledge-modifier) Artifact Power. After the hotfix:
- Mythic 2-3: 500 base Artifact Power
- Mythic 4-6: 800 base Artifact Power
- Mythic 7-9: 1000 base Artifact Power
- Mythic 10+: 1200 base Artifact Power
- At the same time, any additional (bonus) chests awarded for beating the Mythic Keystone timer by a very large amount will no longer contain any Artifact Power. They will still contain items of the appropriate power level, as before.
- All Challenger’s Caches will now also contain gold.
The bonus chests you receive when you dominate a dungeon so thoroughly that your Keystone upgrades multiple times are intended to make sure that you don’t miss out on loot. You shouldn’t feel like it’s a mistake to blow away the timer. However, Artifact Power is available in nearly every type of endgame content, so your other reward for going faster is time saved, and that time could be spent pursuing more Artifact Power from its many other sources.
These changes are aimed at aligning the efficiency of the different tiers of difficulty, so that a well-geared group of dungeon experts is rewarded more for tackling a high-level Mythic dungeon, rather than incentivized to stomp an entry-level dungeon.
Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
y0 holinka my boi in 7.1 will prestige players have access to all talents even if they lost them by prestiging before the patch?
that's the plan (holinka)
Is there any planned fix for PvP runeforging for Frost DKs? It's still not working.
It is working in 7.1. It was thought to work with Artifact weapons in 7.0.3. Apparently there are issues still. (holinka)
really should return to the old ways of the pvp vendors and get rid of the RNG system all together for pvp.
Current system isn't tuned correctly. Understand transitioning from a place where you always got exactly what you wanted is hard (holinka)
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