Kalu'ak Fishing Derby

* The all-new Kalu’ak Fishing Derby, a test of fishing skill with a healthy dash of luck, has come to Northrend! Every Wednesday beginning at 8 PM players can try to catch the elusive Blacktip Shark. Elder Clearwater sits in Dalaran for one hour awaiting the return of the quickest, most experienced fisher to bring him this shark. This champion fisher will be rewarded in-kind for returning with the first catch. Those who aren’t able to return with the first catch will still receive just reward for getting the Blacktip Shark to Elder Clearwater before he takes his leave. It is said that these sharks’ favorite meal are the bite-sized Pygmy Suckerfish. Perhaps a hook in their waters will do the trick.
Could be interesting, since 19s can now get 450 fishing.
kinda sucks cuz now we'll NEED guards. Gold farming teim, yaaaay
Hmm...chances are, however, that if they are adding an heirloom-ring from the fishing derby, there will probably be heirloom rings from emblems as well xD (just thinking on paper here, but chest [10%] shoulders [10%] 2 rings [10%, 5% each] yay 30% faster leveling? :p)
Well if it is a heirloom item there is no need to fish on your twink if you have an 80. :D

I am skeptical about it being a heirloom though. Perhaps we'll know for sure come wednesday.
well.. MOST everyone. if your an achievment whore like me. exploring is boring IMO tho.
yeah hf fishing on a 19 in northrend during a new world event that will have hundreds of people there every week until cataclysm comes out

unless you xfer to a server that has like 50 people for horde and alliance :/

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