<Just Stuck Here> Stormscale (H) Now recruiting!

<Just Stuck Here> Stormscale (H)


- <Just Stuck Here>(PVP) Is guild of friends that have twinked at many brackets.
-We have twinked at certain brackets such as: 10s, 19s, 20s (F2P), 29s, 39s, and so on.
-Our older guilds : Ten Twink Inc, WTB Lucky Fishing Hat, Kindergarten Kids, and so on.
-Our officers are well known in the twinking community: Vibeckaweb, Esoteric, Runaka, And hopefully more to come.

Now since you have an idea of who we are, its time to get to the point.
We are Recruiting level 60 twinks for the future of the bracket.(PvP)

What are we looking for?
-Respect, its the basic of any civilization.
-Have played in any twink bracket other than 60s.
-Self depending, or in other ways, not go around and beg for gold via /y /g /w and so on :)
-At least be 14+ with a mature brain (Saying 14 since im 15 hehe D: ,Though a mature brain :) )

For more info or wanting to join us
-PM me, VibeckaWeb or Zpoon on TI
-Add me in-game Epimethius#2795
-Officers Btags : esoteric#2939
-Type /who Just Stuck Here in-game and /w anyone online !

Good luck!
Gaith :D
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