So at this point we have had about a month or so to try out some various specs and classes. This thread is basicaly just to discuss observations on how each class plays in the field and possible tips of tricks you have noticed .
Some me things I have noticed:
Demo Locks.
they can take the 10% damage reduc glyph and play front line as a fear bot .
demo leap into howl of terror is a huge for securing efc kills.
they are very strong when combined with a big hitting dps and healer in 3s.
very under rated IMO.
Prot warrior dps:
at first I thought they wouldn't be viable but they have lots of defensive CDs and their bleeds really can stack up some spread damage . I just can't see taking one over a arms warrior . thoughts ?
Hpally :
they have decent burst assist with holy shock (weaker than a rshaman lava burst though) and a very strong clense. It does poison and desiese an magic (ret paladin clense is better IMO though because they don't have to wory about dispelling a unstable aflic or a spriest dot. They have cc from talent choices so they really don't gain anything over ret there.
Denounce can be nice but is that realy enough of a reason to go holy over ret ?
I'm determined to prove it viable as something other than a fc
Anyways if you have any ideas on a class or spec you have been itching to try let's discuss !!
Some me things I have noticed:
Demo Locks.
they can take the 10% damage reduc glyph and play front line as a fear bot .
demo leap into howl of terror is a huge for securing efc kills.
they are very strong when combined with a big hitting dps and healer in 3s.
very under rated IMO.
Prot warrior dps:
at first I thought they wouldn't be viable but they have lots of defensive CDs and their bleeds really can stack up some spread damage . I just can't see taking one over a arms warrior . thoughts ?
Hpally :
they have decent burst assist with holy shock (weaker than a rshaman lava burst though) and a very strong clense. It does poison and desiese an magic (ret paladin clense is better IMO though because they don't have to wory about dispelling a unstable aflic or a spriest dot. They have cc from talent choices so they really don't gain anything over ret there.
Denounce can be nice but is that realy enough of a reason to go holy over ret ?
I'm determined to prove it viable as something other than a fc
Anyways if you have any ideas on a class or spec you have been itching to try let's discuss !!
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