Just got 1 week of play in the e-mail. LF Low Level Bracket Suggestions


If we can be civil and come up with a list of things that we're concerned concerning low level PvP I'll post the message on the official World of Warcraft forums.

I'll start:

1. Low level retribution specced paladins have really low DPS in Dungeons and PvP. An effective buff would be to make Judgments of the Bold a baseline ability. It's very difficult to set up burst as a low level Paladin with only one source of Holy Power.




Once we come up with a list I'll put it all into a decent post and put it on the forums -on behalf of all of twinkinfo with an Admin's permission, or just with a petition attached without an Admin's permission.

Post your suggestions. Any trolling will be reported. Go!

Happy Twinking~
Enhancement shamans need thier burst scaled to cata, hunters need a 60% damage nerf and give them traps they had in TBC, alot of classes need to lose some mobility that they currently have, bring exorcism back to replace denounce, nerf mana regen like cata, warriors need more burst, rogues need a gap closer, priests need renew at least, scale healing to cata (healing is way too stronk to have that much mobility) , give prot warriors rend AoE back, give mages all thier cata abilitys, arcane mages need more burst, nerf druid and priest DoTs and buff warlocks, Give demo locks the bonus stamina passive they had in cata, give BM intimidation back, give fire mages scorch and inferno blast, remove cool down on water elemental summons for mage but make the cast time 6 seconds or something, reduce boomkin damage by 15%, give rshamans earth shield back and remove riptide, and finally fix your stupid role check system so it actually works correctly.

Sorry if that is more than one suggestion.

Edit: remove the first tick from rejuvenation to prevent spamming, nerf ferocious bite by like 25%, nerf guardian druids physical damage in cat form by 40%, remove divine shield replace with BoP, Buff mangle (bear form) by like 50%, and give swipe back, nerf rogues damage by 20%, remove tigers fury
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and finally fix your stupid role check system so it actually works correctly.
Or change the role check system to only check a player's actual spec. Why trust a healer spec to check healer role when they can check DPS, or trust any player in spec x to check role x and not check role y?
And, remove a player from queue (including dropping a pop) whenever they change specs too, much like removing them from queues when they level up. You know, keep players in the specs they queued in, and not actively cheat an extra healer in.

Better yet, make the above changes for dungeon role checks as well. How many dungeon groups are tired of the occasional balance druid "healer", etc., when that could never happen?
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You do realise blizz dont give a shit??

if you're going to post then add

Scorch - baseline fire mage spell.

low lvl fire up till 58 (or w.e lvl scorch is) is un viable, long cast times and less frequent crits.
If you intend to use your time for forum posting about mechanics changed I'd wait until after patch and save it for much earlier 5.5 or 6.0 discussion. 5.4 ptr is largely into endgame dps tweaking for high-end pve raiding. Most changes now are just going to be on damage numbers/proc rates/specific endgame gear. It's all about ptr data and damage simulations. At this point they won't even care if there's giant holes in wsg you can get people stuck in.
5.4 chant scaling for not only f2p but all low level brackets xp-on or xp-off.

Also link your post to Holinka and Greg Street on twitter
5.4 chant scaling for not only f2p but all low level brackets xp-on or xp-off.

Also link your post to Holinka and Greg Street on twitter

I don't think regular users should post on Battle.net in the name of Twinkinfo. Aside from the negative impact associating your points with website advertising could have: If we wanted official posts Silin or Kilda or anyone else in low level twinking who is actually on staff could do it.

The lack of access to B.net forums is a unique F2P problem after all.

You could try to gather support in other low brackets of course. More posts on Bnet > website endorsement.
Just make sure it is worded more towards all low level bracket play not just twinks and you'll get more traction and support. As a matter of fact I wouldn't mention the word Twink at all.

Fix existing low level honor gear.

Add a pop up quest at lvl 10 to see your faction's honor gear vendors in SW and Org that rewards a fair amount of honor.

New blue quality honor gear at each faction's honor gear vendors for every 5 levels, starting at 10 up to 65.

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