i am not perfect far from it, I have played horde for the last ten years. I saw the imbalance when i came back to the game recently and rolled an alliance healer. Never and i mean never have i been abused so much, never have i been left alone so often, or left behind to die when i run into heal or peeps just run past when i am sapped as i have been in the last two weeks as an alliance healer. Lots of Druids and Rogues on alliance teams who just vanish and go do their own thing leaving the 4 non stealth to be reamed by the horde team. Missed a bubble on a veteran twink rogue today as i was leaving the FR after a cap (to get back out to help fc thru mid) the poor dear died in the FR abused me in caps and left the game. I'm sorry but it is way more fun playing horde. I will still Q as an alliance healer but it is not enjoyable so far.