Jeweled Fishing Pole

Those are from the Bag of Fishing treasure which is not the reward from the Org and SW fishing daily's

The only way for a lvl 19 to get the Bag of fishing treasures is by fishing up a blacktip shark during the kalu'as fishing derby.

The quest reward for the org and SW fishing daily is Bag of Shiny Things - Item - World of Warcraft which does not drop these fishing poles.
Ah I see. Good to know
theres still a chance you can get em from doing the kaluk weekly fishing toureny. Worth a shot
If you could actually wear these fishing poles, your attacks wouldn't work, since a fishing pole isn't considered a melee weapon by class abilities. Your auto attacks might hit hard, but that's all you'd have...

1603 Feral Attack Power, Imagine how OP this could be!
Not really worthless.. you'd hit extremely high just because you can't use an ability that will hit for half the dmg doesn't mean its worthless
Lets say a holy palla wields on of these bad boys...

It would be like robocop

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