Its not really that terribad an idea.....

Jamool said:
I didn't realize people don't read words right infront of them. >.>

Again, as I said, I'm going to be pally. The fact that a warrior would be completely worthless with this build was something I saw months ago, with the mike tyson post.

Again, like I also said, Im not trying to be like mike tyson, Thats what the other guy was doing. My name isn't mike tyson, Its Tko.

Also, like I said previously, I'm NOT doing a weapon, so stop suggesting knucks, I know they exists, and I don't care. Thats not what I'm doing. I asked for help or input on the gear I listed, but since no one can read except a few people, I understand the suggestions and input thus far.

Besides, being a pally and not being able to dual weild, I would have one knuckle, Would be striking with one hand, and it would look nothing like unarmed fighting. Blizz doesn't seem to make sense with alot of weapon animations. Kuncks are messed up. Polearms are really messed up, you don't slash with a spear, you jub or thrust. I mean it makes sense with the swords that are in the polearm listing, like hellreaver or w/e( why it is there I have no clue, its not a damn polearm, and scythes should be polearms not staffs[with scythes I think some are in both]), but with unarmed you actually strike with both hands and do what looks like boxing.

Only rogues can dual weild pre-20. This is a 19 twink(only time it would be viable because of the damage gap from weapons). Some of you need to read before suggesting a pally dual weild kunckles. Also, I don't even think a pally can WEILD or LEARN knuckles, So those suggestions are moot points.

I am set on weapon, being nothing. Gear input would be wanted or needed with the gear I listed. Like I'm having a really hard time deciding between Armor of the fang or Defias leather and Cobrahs Grasp or Storm/warcheifs girdle.

and sorry, Iaccidentalytwink, Your right, it was dps, my bad.

AGAIN, all I can say, is


Pally + Fist Weapon = Impossible

On a side note, I'm lvl 8, with a friends dk on the same server, and I plan to finish gear runs tonight, enchants may be a problem as I have no high levels on this server, I will have to use my dk, and do some farming.

Yeah, well, I've never played a paly before so get off my lawn.
Problem: I noticed you're rolling alliance on this, which means you can't punch female humans (since they're your faction). This is quite unlike Mike Tyson, although being alliance means you can be a black human male.

EDIT: just noticed you're not going for Mike Tyson specifically lol. Still, it'd be funny to target women and shout sexist things. Maybe my sense of humor is too dark but meh I think it'd be funny.
Coolzo its ok, but again, I'll take the fishing hat, and I don't have access to those BoA items, as I don't have an 80, just a 70. Plus I'm not down with the sheild, even tho I know it gives bomb stats.

I got cavedweller bracers, shoulders, and the gautlets today, raised my fishing, first aid, cooking, mining, and herbing up, and got to 12.

Back up idea, I picked up Rhak'Zor's Hammer, cuz I'm enjoying th club beatdown while leveling, and it gives me an item for a stam buff for flagrunning, and incase I get bored of punching. Still at my current level, I've been leveling unarmed with each level, my unarmed strikes do about 4 less damage then my 10 dps coldridge hammer, so I don't see a diffrence yet, one that makes a diffrence atleast. I still kill movs easily enough.
Can't say it enough Fuzzles my good friend, I'm not trying to be like Mike. That was the other guy, I simply linked his post for refrence and kudos to the original idea, I just improved it.

I looked at your build cool, and we have a few diffrences, you went cobrahs grasp i went stormbringers belt, you went armor of the fang, i went defias armor, you went goggles i went fish hat, you went haste trinkets, i went two agm.

At end I had

1337 life

680 mana

vs your

977 life

695 mana

Otherwise our enchants were the same, and other items same. I dropped the sheild. You strike a little faster, and have a lil more ap, so our damage does differ a bit



51.17 dps

1.87 speed



45.37 dps

2.00 speed

Still viable damage. INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH

smites mighty hammer does

131-160 damage

41.50 dps

3.50 speed

Which is LESS then my unarmed. Same things show perviously in the Mike tyson post.

Char dev error? OR Have we found new pwn?

(( sry for the double post, i didnt see a merge or delete button, so i went on, mod can merge this if need be ))
It's fun to do gimmicky things sometimes. Back in the day (~2.4 or so) I did a BG in a tux wielding a shovel. I actually managed to solo a few folks too, which was awesome.

Of course, it was this shovel

I also did naked ganking in Southshore. Which was hilarious because most of the time the level ~22's would just run away in confusion until they fell to my fists of fury.

Good luck! And good choice :D

*edit* I suppose I should mention that this was my 29; I've never played 19's, the thread title just got my eye on the forum index ;)
Yeah, lol.

I partied with a guy in RFD who used a shovel on a war, and I was all "WTF?".

Realized it was a mace later, and actually had awesome stats, just funny look. I've ran som many build with this on char dev, and just dont see a problem. It will have to wait till I can test it tho.

((edit: yey was wondering why my sig didnt show, guess it doesn't show on past posts. ))
@ Jamool, yeah I forgot to add the fishing hat in. Meant to, but I am never able to play on sundays, and thus accidentally saved the version with the goggles XD. Just add on 70 HP. Like I said, my build was more for DPS, but that 1337 HP does look sexy on the character sheet :D

EDIT: I compared character sheets from two moderately geared paladins:



Sure, the gear isn't the best, but the idea is one has a [ITEM]Butcher's Slicer[/ITEM] the other is unarmed. Notice the damage. Irleet (the one with Butcher's) has 207 AP and hits for 72-100 (29.8 DPS). However, Royalpaladin (the unarmed one) has lower damage and DPS despite her higher AP of 227, causing 33-34 (16.7 DPS).

This makes me wonder if the CharDev is bugged or not. If so then this "Mike Tyson" theory is just a misconception created by bad programming on a website.
Coolzo said:
@ Jamool, yeah I forgot to add the fishing hat in. Meant to, but I am never able to play on sundays, and thus accidentally saved the version with the goggles XD. Just add on 70 HP. Like I said, my build was more for DPS, but that 1337 HP does look sexy on the character sheet :D

EDIT: I compared character sheets from two moderately geared paladins:



Sure, the gear isn't the best, but the idea is one has a [ITEM]Butcher's Slicer[/ITEM] the other is unarmed. Notice the damage. Irleet (the one with Butcher's) has 207 AP and hits for 72-100 (29.8 DPS). However, Royalpaladin (the unarmed one) has lower damage and DPS despite her higher AP of 227, causing 33-34 (16.7 DPS).

This makes me wonder if the CharDev is bugged or not. If so then this "Mike Tyson" theory is just a misconception created by bad programming on a website.

It's probably bad programming IMO. Not that you can really blame him. Who would really care about unarmed DPS normally?

But, afaik(no proof, just how I feel they do it), weapon DPS is just added to your base DPS, so however good the weapon(s) you arn't using are, that's how much worse you're gonna hit. In the case of that sword, it's, what, 15dps-ish?
Sparhawk said:
It's probably bad programming IMO. Not that you can really blame him. Who would really care about unarmed DPS normally?

But, afaik(no proof, just how I feel they do it), weapon DPS is just added to your base DPS, so however good the weapon(s) you arn't using are, that's how much worse you're gonna hit. In the case of that sword, it's, what, 15dps-ish?

This is what I would have originally suspected. The idea was that on a 19 paladin there's very few spells that actually depend on having a weapon to use, and that this way they could have a very high DPS output. Of course, it didn't really make any sense, surely unarmed could not have higher DPS than a weapon.

I guess we just proved this theory wrong, Spar.

EDIT: Oh and yes, weapon DPS is added to your unarmed DPS, but of course the damage range still changes according to the speed of the weapon and original min-max damage of the weapon.
Yes, Its obviously going to be 15-ish different, but its still not to bad. I tested it outat 16, live style. Maxxed my 1h mace and unarmed. fougth with crappy gear, and beleive it or not, was doing a diffrence of about 10 raw numbers per strike. Better yet, the mace was much slower, so I beleive I was doing MORE damage unarmed. Maybe char dev isn't bugged, but WoW itself. I mean who has tested this in the past?

Again, I've not got better armor, crappy chants, but most my twink items, and I bg with unarmed and Rhak'Zor hammer, and my strikes are still within 10-20 damage of each other with unarmed going faster and I still get the added 15+ each hit with Seal of Rightousness, which also increases my dps becuase with a fast weapon, it is pumping out more damage.

Anyways, just an update, here he is.

Tko - The Unarmed Pally Twink In Progress

Got some of the gear, still missing alot tho.

Have about 4/5 of the raw mats for the good chants.

Have Drape and stormbringer on bid.

Have rhak'Zor hammer for back up, giving it +15 srt chant.

Got fishing, first aid, cooking, and mining all 100+, herbing still horribly low.

Bad News?

I've ran VC 61 times, not a single Miner Johnson Pop, nor a Defias leatehr drop, and I'm starting to get frusterated with that. So taking a small break for a few days.

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