It's a bird, it's a plane


Twink Info Legend
It's another
That's right for 3 weeks or however long this thread will live you will be listing your friends and family or some random guy you have seen in a battlegrounds you think did the better job at his class.

Some things I want you to follow as best as you can.
*If you want to critize someones list then be civil about it.
*If you want to rage at me for creating yet another thread like this then please do it in PM.

The only rule is you are not allowed to list yourself.

Now instead of making a list of my own I will have like somekind of Master Scoreboard where I will put togheter all the classes and we will see who gets the most votes for each class.
Fun right?
You may start listing

Lullaby/Verdana/Nevacast: 9
Cripzblood: removed on request.
Cwompy: 1
Flipzmytoast: 3
Romella: 1
Darro: 3
Pamlo: 1
Megotcanette: 1
Moonseeker: 1
Notsureifsrs: 1

Gelato/Sly/Shadostalker: 6
Outplayedirl: 2
Mysterios: 1
Sidhartha: 2
Redundant: 4
Nighytkiller: 2
Skejt: 1
Erogy: 3
Interruptz: 3
Emy: 1
Irathil: 1
Mvpazol: 1

Zehj: 6
Alphasky/Bestasky: 13
Bronc: 1
Somort: 9
Dressman: 1
Brutalwarorc: 1
Kenzillax: 1
Idontcareyo: 1
Betasky: 1

Belamor: 3
Paprikash: 4
Fmerlet: 1
Watriox: 2
Doodle: 3
Minibikini: 1
Dhenurd: 1
Mesikämmen: 1

Mesikämmen: 2
Poledancer: 12
Kamicowzi: 3
Mol: 4
Killwill: 2
Masara: 2
Bahaal: 1
Hadouken: 1
Eetuonparas: 1
Krowller: 1
Dancingroot: 2
Maratian: 1

Dashà: 14
Corporal: 1
Brokenbeast: 2
Monkeydoodoo: 2
Tythus: 1
Billymays: 2
Mackie: 1
Vicautzwei: 2
Alegria: 1

Whitebears: 2
Lolipop: 1
Trickynick: 11
Radvaark: 3
Lunaii: 3
Worstified: 2
Thethe: 1
Vnuz: 1
Ranze: 1

Redundant: 10
Memento: 2
Babydoll: 1
Ligollas: 1
Björke: 3
Mymmz: 1
Reham: 1
Palliebabe: 1
Palamici: 1
Spiriel: 1
Pryopaladin: 1
Visatorul: 1
Dumrum: 1
Kraud: 4
Milfette: 1
Mertze: 1
Molters: 1


Azolftp: 2
Superquality: 1
Matejica: 3
Miacon: 5
Vanda: 2
Lacien: 4
Celestys: 3
Jenta: 1
Lecsen: 1
Trukiheal: 1
Jazaine: 1
Alfü: 1
Iivil: 1
Nami: 4
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Hunter: Lullaby
Rogue: Gelato
Warrior: Zehj
Warlock: don't know
Druid: Mesi
Shaman: Dashà
Mage: Whitebeards
Paladin Redundant
Monk: -
Priest: Azol
To avoid any mistakes , i decided to fix the categories a bit.

To avoid any mistakes , i decided to fix the categories a bit.


Try to remain calm and don't let trolling get the best of you, this thread is supposed to be informative.
Try to remain calm and don't let trolling get the best of you, this thread is supposed to be informative.
Not like anyone will react to it ;) ,we both know how it will end.
Even if i put my smelly hands away.
Hunter: Cripzblood. He is the one I see the most, and he is not backpeddling. I don't care about what he says, he is most skilled hunter I've seen.
Rogue: Never met any rogue standing above the mass.
Warrior: I would say Alphasky. This guy knows what he is doing.
Warlock: Bellamor. Crap, she even killed me solo!
Druid: Poledancer, best of his profession. Oficrete on 2nd place. Both awesome druids, but pole on first place. Never seen such high skill at druid in my life.
Shaman: Dasha ( /lick butt) nah but really, only one who manages to kick me off LM. (#brag)
Mage: Lolipopp. [*] You will be missed.
Paladin: me. No, srsly me. nah JK, I'd say somort, this guy is my nemesis - wherever I see you, be ready! (IDK what I'm doing wrong, I just can't kill this guy)
Monk: F2Ps can't play monks, and I've never seen any good P2P monk in this bracket.
Priest: Never met any very good one.
Hunter: Lullabyu, Verdana
Rogue: Outplayedirl, Mysterios
Warrior: Alphasky
Warlock: none
Druid: Kamicowzi, Mol, Poledancer
Shaman: Dasha, corporal
Mage: Trickynick
Paladin: Redundant, Memento
Monk: none
Priest: Superquality
Let the Circlejerk begin!

Hunter: The amount of hunters mentioned in WoW lore is TOO DAMN LOW
Rogue: Garona Halforcen
Warrior: Broxigar Saurfang/Durotan
Warlock: Medivh/Dhenurd <3
Druid: Hamuul Runetotem
Shaman: Drek'Thar/Ner'zhul
Mage: Antonidas/Rhonin/Med'an/Khadgar
Paladin: Uther Lightbringer
Monk: Taran Zhu
Priest: Sen'jin/Vol'jin (yes, he is a priest)/Anduin Wrynn
Let the Circlejerk begin!

Hunter: The amount of hunters mentioned in WoW lore is TOO DAMN LOW
Rogue: Garona Halforcen
Warrior: Broxigar Saurfang/Durotan
Warlock: Medivh/Dhenurd <3
Druid: Hamuul Runetotem
Shaman: Drek'Thar/Ner'zhul
Mage: Antonidas/Rhonin/Med'an/Khadgar
Paladin: Uther Lightbringer
Monk: Taran Zhu
Priest: Sen'jin/Vol'jin (yes, he is a priest)/Anduin Wrynn

Vol'jin is actually a shadow hunter :p and Rexxar is a hunter.
It's another
That's right for 3 weeks or however long this thread will live you will be listing your friends and family or some random guy you have seen in a battlegrounds you think did the better job at his class.

Some things I want you to follow as best as you can.
*If you want to critize someones list then be civil about it.
*If you want to rage at me for creating yet another thread like this then please do it in PM.

The only rule is you are not allowed to list yourself.

Now instead of making a list of my own I will have like somekind of Master Scoreboard where I will put togheter all the classes and we will see who gets the most votes for each class.
Fun right?
You may start listing

Lullaby/Verdana/Nevacast: 2
Cripzblood: 1

Gelato/Sly/Shadostalker: 1
Outplayedirl: 1
Mysterios: 1

Zehj: 1
Alphasky/Bestasky: 2

Belamor: 1

Mesikämmen: 1
Poledancer: 2
Kamicowzi: 1
Mol: 1

Dashà: 3
Corporal: 1

Whitebears: 1
Lolipop: 1
Trickynick: 1

Redundant: 2
Somort: 1
Memento: 1


Azolftp: 1
Superquality: 1

Somort is not a paladin, he's a horde warrior. just saying.....
Best of F2P Females:

Hunter: Whip
Rogue: Cele, Ytaa
Warrior: Game
Warlock: -
Druid: Masara
Shaman: Brokenbeast
Mage: Lunaii, Radvaark
Paladin: Reham, Snajka, Sharleen
Monk: Saucisse
Priest: Miacon, Nami, Nabestys

BRAVO GIRLS BRAVO!!!! <3 <3 <3

Next Poll: Which is the most sexiest one? (Pics can be handed in by PM)

Cheers Molester
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You should have split the factions. Gear and access to consumables, can make a difference, but anyway. heres my list:

Hunter: Verdana
Rogue: Mysterios (I would vote for Nightykiller, but i dont think he is playing anymore)
Warrior: Alphasky
Warlock: Paprikash
Druid: Poledancer
Shaman: Dasha
Mage: Trickynick
Paladin Redundant (I would vote for Somort, but he never throws me an offheal when I need it)
Priest: Matejica
Best of F2P Females:

Hunter: Whip
Rogue: Cele, Ytaa
Warrior: Game
Warlock: -
Druid: Masara
Shaman: Brokenbeast
Mage: Lunaii
Paladin: Reham, Snajka
Monk: Saucisse
Priest: Miacon, Nami, Nabestys

BRAVO GIRLS BRAVO!!!! <3 <3 <3

Next Poll: Which is the most sexiest one? (Pics can be handed in by PM)

Cheers Molester

i c wut u did thar

Vol'jin is actually a shadow hunter

Do I have to educate you on that matter?

And Rexxar is, by my definition, not what I see as a hunter.
Hunter: Verdana
Rogue: Mysty
Warrior: Zehj
Druid: Kami, pole
Shaman: Dasha, Billimays
Mage: Tricky, lunaii
Paladin Red
Priest: Mia, laci
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