WoW! You had me second guessing my sanity and apparently I'm insane ! I just made a 1st lvl hunter and yes they still do have AS. I could have sworn the last time I did it had been switched to Steady Shot. I'm sorry for this mis-information I have been saying. Looks like I have a new Øné now . Any reason you chose Draenei over NE?
WoW! You had me second guessing my sanity and apparently I'm insane ! I just made a 1st lvl hunter and yes they still do have AS. I could have sworn the last time I did it had been switched to Steady Shot. I'm sorry for this mis-information I have been saying. Looks like I have a new Øné now . Any reason you chose Draenei over NE?
If you haven't played level 1 hunter for a while, I guess you're going to be surprised over how powerful they are
I prefer Draenei over NE due to the ability to generate health while running away from you opponent. As level 1 generates health fast while out of combat, NE will be at full health just some seconds after stealthed, but they also have to stop and let the enemy get closer.