once again, im posting, noone in this bracket is a real twink...the ones who stay have yet to earn their right to be called a "ledgendary twink"...as far as im concerned, cyanerd was a "phase", a passing by if you will.
and people will still and always try to make a name for themselves by doing something completly and utterly stupid and by trying to take it to the next level...
but, this bracket would not be what it is like today without the dedication of a guy called Rxr aka Rick, and the core of what was IDDQD. there are some sill about today, but many moved on.
as stated b4 its nopt the end of twinking, it will never end until blizzard stop tweaking/altering the game. a new chapter will begin...shortly...and its looking like it will be good ;-)
/love Borò
The phase where the king was out is over, i had important business to attend, now the king is back, no need to worry anymore.
>Shitter that buys glad
Pick one :-/
that makes you what?
Yeah I'm out as well. Healing and healer damage is absurd. I play a Hunter, I'm an average player who played for fun. Anyone I go full on burst against seems to heal to full in 1-2 seconds and then I'm out of luck as their DoTs eat me alive. Don't even need to talk about hpals and disc priests...
Am keeping a resto druid at 70 in case it ever comes back, but I can't be bothered playing a hunter in such a gimp environment.
Try survival; Go agi, resi and stam; dot everything up (don't stick to one target dot everyone and his mother up), pick off low targets/silence/scatter a healer -> pick off more targets, keep movement up.
It feels more overpowered than gimped to me. Serpent sting still deals broken damage; 15 focus to instantly apply 20-25k of pressure and lets not forget serpent spread.
Not had a single bg since 5.3 where I failed to piss all over the enemy team.