Is your S key binded?

Is your S key binded?

  • Yes, my S key is binded to an ability

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  • No, my S key is for back peddling

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is your S key binded to an ability?

or no, its just for backing up.

the reason i am posting this is because i actually am fine with just 8 keys , and i don't recall back peddling in a i guess most of the time i dont press S at all...but still, my S key isn't binded.

(~, Q, E, R, F, G, Z, C) so i dont find the need to bind S, but somehow i got the idea that good players all bind their S key...
I don't bind my S key, but I don't stand around backpeddling on the field either. I'm an old school FPS all the way :). W - Foward, A - Strafe Left, D - Strafe Right, and S to move backwards when necessary.

Plus if I want to gnome hump someone, the S key is pretty vital.
I would suggest to every player to ALWAYS bind the s-key to an ability. Just to not even have the temptation of back-peddling. I have seen so many. many different players hug there S-key. Tis sad.
S = Eat/drink for me. I bound it to that originally so there wasn't a huge penalty for accidentally hitting it without thinking, but then it became natural and I really like having it right there to get that 1 tick of health that I need and then back in it.

The only time I miss the S key is when I'm trying to see the mailbox or something and some mammoth mount is on top of it. As far as movement and mobility goes, there is nothing lost imo by not using it. It's just a slower way to do something you can do by other means.
My "S" Key is bound to Strafe Left. ESDF FTW.

But I do backpeddle like a boss around the AH.
Yeah my S key is binded, its very close to my strafe keys.

Q = left strafe, E = Right strafe, W = backpedal. useful in conjunction with Q&E, move forward is dual mouse click.

S is usually something clutch like silence or a key ability.

On my disc priest A= Inner focus, S = PSupp, D = PI, F = Binding heal.

then CTRL + A = Holy Fire, CTRL+S = Smite & CTRL+D = Mind Blast.

1-5 are bound and " ` " (to the left of 1) is SW:D to avoid quick poly's and CC.
I bound my agm to it, just to teach myself a lesson if I ever try to backpeddle :p
you don't click, if your a skilled and experienced player you can use keybindings to click!!@#! zomg! ya you can assign anything you want to anything u want, amazing if you have a 12 slot keybinding keyboard... its fun learning new things. i even assigned 6 key bindings to my mouse. its very helpfull for not clicking, it also tests your memory:D
Yes, I use my S key (everyonce and a while when I'm to lazy to back strife) but Im in a different bracket :3
glancealot said:
is your S key binded to an ability?

or no, its just for backing up.

the reason i am posting this is because i actually am fine with just 8 keys , and i don't recall back peddling in a i guess most of the time i dont press S at all...but still, my S key isn't binded.

(~, Q, E, R, F, G, Z, C) so i dont find the need to bind S, but somehow i got the idea that good players all bind their S key...

Yep my S key is bound to a macro... (focus silent)

I have my back key on my mouse.. in fact all my movement is done on my mouse except for Q and E for straifing.

A,S,D,X,R,F,T,G,B ~ 1234567 and F1 - F7 are all bound. Along with my entire pet bar.

As well as my page up and down keys, and my keypad. up,down,left,right arrows are bound for trinket activation (2) and 2 consumables (health pot and Healthstone.)

That's pretty much it at the moment I won't be extending any more till I get a G15 keyboard to utilize more of my mouse over macros.
Mine is still for backpedalling for when I feel like backpedalling across the entire map to score, true story.

Its also bound to my fail macro which reads:


>o< Fail In Progress >o< Is a Macro dedicated to Battleground chat. If you are reading this, you most likely fail.
I spin around and walk backwards off ledges with 'S' rather than double-tapping toggle-run.
I moved the WASD movement keys a notch to the right, to ESDF to get extra keys to bind. Still got D as the back key though.
I bound S key as my auto run and my back key as Q. So i have no left strafe but I usually strafe with the mouse when needed.

And yes I back pedal all the time. I back up into walls when i am being nailed by a rogue or just over a cliff. I also use it while leveling with melee. And I backpedal when im a caster and i'm trying to get off something like death coil on a melee.

I would say that I use auto run and backpedal much more then the forward key.

//edit maybe I should just bind auto run to W and throw out forward all together xD
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