Is Tyrande a twink comunity? It seems they must be premading alot!!

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F2P Community Leader
Been doing alot of bgs and i keep seeing 5 + people from Tyrande is it a twink comunity if so whos there and who started it.
Yeah man it's definitely a twink community, you should go make some videos with them bro :p:p
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Lol if you went 30-0...
Let's assume you did.

They are NOT premading...
Just saying :)
Then again, you do see Quel'Thalas 24 5-10 mans (AND NO I DO NOT MEAN THE PUGS OF MULTIPLE QUEL'THALAS PLAYERS, I MEAN REAL GUILDED PREMADES) playing like absolute garbage. Not to be offensive but, they really do not even try.... My experience anyway.
Lol if you went 30-0...
Let's assume you did.

They are NOT premading...
Just saying :)
Then again, you do see Quel'Thalas 24 5-10 mans (AND NO I DO NOT MEAN THE PUGS OF MULTIPLE QUEL'THALAS PLAYERS, I MEAN REAL GUILDED PREMADES) playing like absolute garbage. Not to be offensive but, they really do not even try.... My experience anyway.

Some of them left this BG becuase i was GY camping. View attachment 2204
This BG It was 1-0 then 1-1 Then Alliance over powered them becuase we actually had a regular team with healers and tanks and dps.


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Some of them left this BG becuase i was GY camping. View attachment 2204
This BG It was 1-0 then 1-1 Then Alliance over powered them becuase we actually had a regular team with healers and tanks and dps.

So you did 30-0 by gy farming and while ur team was having a hard time to win and u continued gy farming?

Now we only need to know who was ur pocket healer.
Some of them left this BG becuase i was GY camping. View attachment 2204
This BG It was 1-0 then 1-1 Then Alliance over powered them becuase we actually had a regular team with healers and tanks and dps.

when im in a bg with you, your stats are like 8-5 with less dmg done than the most hybrid classes

edit: and i never saw you playing objective, btw nice backpaddling
So you did 30-0 by gy farming and while ur team was having a hard time to win and u continued gy farming?

Now we only need to know who was ur pocket healer.

ill show the video i didnt have a healer with me. Far as Playing objective im very objective- wiping out all of hordes team allowing our team to cap easy.wait til u see the video. we won 3-1 u should ecpect some1 like me to wipe out a entire team easy.
Come on guys we all know he isn't a great player from his videos, try to take that into acknowledgement when you're flaming him :p
"Some of them left because I was GY camping"
We can see that it was a 2-1 game, meaning a close, hard game. And he was Gy camping long enough to kill 30 of the poor buggers.
Guy just likes playing WoW, you know?
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Come on guys we all know he isn't a great player from his videos, try to take that into acknowledgement when you're flaming him :p
"Some of them left because I was GY camping"
We can see that it was a 2-1 game, meaning a close, hard game. And he was Gy camping long enough to kill 30 of the poor buggers.
Guy just likes playing WoW, you know?

u are so stupid it will take the video for you to realize that if some1 camped a GY all day they would die many times - I camp everywhere i go seems you lack common sense to know basic things about BGs. Try thinking b4 u post things - like some one camping a gy and gets 30 kills(every1 knows whats happens when you sit at a GY every1 rezes and kills you seeing how i was alone for most part of the game i think when you see it you will understand how to kill x3 amount of horde in a bg/ but then agian you will just say roll hunter like most people do ....sad.) But i guess i can disreguard u since u play on US where bgs are super easy.
u are so stupid it will take the video for you to realize that if some1 camped a GY all day they would die many times - I camp everywhere i go seems you lack common sense to know basic things about BGs. Try thinking b4 u post things - like some one camping a gy and gets 30 kills(every1 knows whats happens when you sit at a GY every1 rezes and kills you seeing how i was alone for most part of the game i think when you see it you will understand how to kill x3 amount of horde in a bg/ but then agian you will just say roll hunter like most people do ....sad.) But i guess i can disreguard u since u play on US where bgs are super easy.

Not really any way in which I can compliment this thread after looking at this post.
All I can really do is laugh, sorry for posting!
with a name like trialmop I should've seen it coming
OP, you do realize the 20-24 bracket as the worse standards in the whole of wow? and even by that standard you are sub-par. please stop making a fool of your self with these threads/videos.
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