There's also, linked free to play, a trial account linked to your main account, that will earn achievements on both, also able to use mog, mounts, toys, chromie timewalking, and much more, like world quests, legion assaults, and bfa invasions, meaning you can grind achievements on a trial when you have no sub, aswell as pvp
I prefer this option personally as i can farm transmog on my main account if i find something i like that's unobtainable, and still use it the same day on my linked trial without waiting for my sub to run out.
Been farming rep's and fishing alot between bgs trying to summon the grind in me to go get thousands of herbs and level alchemy now im finally finished all the other profession grinds
This is the second time ill be grinding alchemy out, this time for the flask and not for the engineering mats like the first time i enjoy the hardcore grind element as a returning player, but i wouldn't make two! Lol