Remember the Treeline
don't think that's a bit presumptuous or egotistical?
Presumptuous (Merriam Webster Dictionary): overstepping due bounds (as of propriety or courtesy); taking liberties.
So I guess that could include /presuming/ that I am linking myself to a previous sentence, rather than making a blanket statement that most of us (as in members of the F2P community) are waiting for WoD.
But it seems to me that the one being presumptuous would be you. Call this damage control all you like, but stepping into an on-going conversation and making /presumptuous/ accusations without any direct correlation seems a bit /egotistical/ (the feeling or belief that you are better, more important, more talented, etc., than other people) to me.
But no, I'm an elitist bigot who places myself on a pedestal above other people. You're entitled to your opinion - I feel that if you go around seeing what is not there, I will be unable to dissuade you from it.
Biggie still plays.
There are still a core of top F2P people. -Return Key-
-Return Key-
Most of us are just waiting around for WoD to hit, to see how skirmishes will work out.
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