Is this bracket good again?

39s are pretty fun. Most of the 19 players have moved to that bracket. I am still fairly new, but it seems pretty well balanced on both sides. Consistent games on Wednesday and Fridays, but working on expanding it to be a daily thing. I still believe 19s pop regulary, but like many say it has just turned into a 24/7 farm fest for Alliance. If you have the time and patience make both a 19 and a 39 and see what you like and from there.
Twinking Anything Else Than 60 70 or 80 is very bad i suggest not waisting your time

60-64 bracket is ............. dead, you build one and you wasted your time, all you have is a cool BIS model car

70-74 while still active it has diminished greatly. no more 24/7 BG pops, que times are 18-30 minutes+ now. bracket is seriously imbal. many healers and hybrids are virtually 5-man+ dungeon/raid bosses

80-84 activity is poor also

what imo is killing the higher brackets is the imbalance blizzard has made worse from CATA going into MOP. i beleive it is intentional to force disgust and leveling. for many to reroll into FOTM classes is too much work and this obvious as many high level brackets crash or are down to playing certain times/days of the week.

those who say 20-24 is better, that is a flat out lie. 20-24 is like the old BG system where you can have people enter the bracket ill geared and not understand what they are facing. i play F2P-20's in the bracket. it is always funny to see 24's nerd raging because they are losing due to ill geared players or being out 24'd by the other team. 20-24 does add extra talents/abilities, and it is easy to reroll into another class although more work for a F2P still easy imo.

15-19 rerolls are easy, complaining about imbalances is rather pointless, because blizzard will not fix anything at low level. infact they are still doing buffs at high level with disregard to the affects it has at low level. they used to do buffs for some classes like feral druids and it would state XX-level+ and on other classes which mages are one that comes to mind, drop the ball and blanket buff when the buff was need at end game not at low levels.

if you remember all the blue posts concerning low level BGs in CATA it was all lip service and delay till MOP rolled:
- we are monitoring it
- we have to make changes from the top down
- we are aware of the problem
- we don't know where to start
- etc etc

MOP is here and nothing was really done, healers were made insanely OP to the point we are now into soon to be at 3-4 healing nerfs in PVP, healers are still breaking the BGs like they did in CATA. having one extra extra healer on your team can force other team to AFK and premades to win. too many are still blinded by the damage numbers that are easily farmed and negated
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