Is there anywhere a 20 can regularly PvP outside of BGs/Arena?


Does world PvP still happen on PvP realms? I’ve traditionally rolled on PvE servers, but would like to do something outside of instanced PvP and I feel like that’s not really a thing anymore.

Yes, I know you can capture a PvP objective in Hellfire Peninsula or turn Warmode on, but that doesn’t guarantee you’re going to run into anyone looking to fight or that anyone will even be in your area for that matter.

Just curious if there’s any fun to be had outside of queuing random BGs and derping mid with a bunch of randoms — there’s something exciting about it when shit goes down unexpectedly!
Also, because I’m a total dumbass and still getting back into the swing of things since not playing since Legion — how does Warmode work for people that already play on a PvP server? Lol.
There's no such thing as a pvp server anymore. You either have warmode on or off no matter what server you are from.
Interesting — this game has gotten neutered to the point of me wondering how many people must’ve complained it was too confusing/too many buttons/omg PvP on a PvP server.

Honestly, I’m shocked Blizz even allows people to enjoy the game at all without a sub... which is why I was shocked with how much more shit is available to F2P & Veteran accounts this expansion.
I would assume BFA zones are going to be your highest density levelers, given that that's where it guides people after exiles reach. But Chromie Time (stupidchromietimedumbmechanicwhydoesthisexist) sharding everyone away from everyone else kinda nuked spontaneous wpvp. I leave WM on when Im questing and gathering and whathaveyou and the only people I ever run into are 60s looking for a shard that isnt overfarmed.

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