Is there a user here with a Rogue called Enx?

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He 2 v 1 me and a lock.. guys got skill. really nice use of pots etc. times like this that make me consider going back to frost ^^
i've been in games with this guy, he's a nice guy and all so please dont think i'm trolling. but smeld speed pot (betting he had to trinket nova too) is hardly awesome.
i've been in games with this guy, he's a nice guy and all so please dont think i'm trolling. but smeld speed pot (betting he had to trinket nova too) is hardly awesome.

Can be quite effective against mages that don't manage their cooldowns correctly.
While I don't consider threads to find someone @threads really (I mean how would they take it to PM?) it's probably not necessary to follow up a compliment with discussion on how some people disagree. ^^ Enx found, case closed. ;)
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