Is there a 20s angle for the hardcore mode?


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I've been playing HC since 2020 & since the death of SL 20's, it has become my favorite playstyle.
There's a great deal of overlap with F2P twinking & Solo/Self-Found Hardocre WoW. Now, the Official servers will take care of the most important aspect of the playstyle, but the rest had been established by an amazing community for years now. Download the Hardcore addon thrugh CurseForge & get discord links & expanded rules & challenge info from
NA server is Classic Era Bloodsail Bucs , EU is Era Hydraxian Waterlords.. until the offical servers release, that is.
Implemented: All hardcore duels are duel to the death.
and it's a permanent visual buff on your character for every player you permanently kill directly.

option 1
If you want to look super scary...
Multi-box level and Mok-Gor-Rah duel urself...
Get any level level 10-20 and duel urself for a week or more to get so many ears! (or just find a multi boxer)

option 2
Make any weak ass new alt.
Make a rogue with a look alike name.
Pretend you are starting the duel with your alt, but start it on the rogue.

option 3
Get Good and win the legit way.
twinking at 19/20 in HC would not be the same as other WOW editions. blizzard has caved on trading, use of AH, and mail boxes in their version of HC. so the mitch jones situation where he was traded all 16 slot bags will be allowed, or other streamers given gold/gear just like they did in 2019 is back in Blizz HC version. because its free advertising when popular streamers play.

this will work out for those wanting to twink, you can buy blue/green BOEs on AH, farm them on a higher player and mail to your twink, and enchant them. i believe enchanting was not allowed on HC due to semi trading interaction. with Blizz HC enchanting will be a thing

dungeon limits will cause problems on gearing, so you may have to wear monkey/eagle etc type greens in place of some blues. i remember in early BC before blizz did all the XP nerfs further thru BC, the tunic of westfall chest piece. talbar mantle shoulders, and the seal of wrynn ring questlines would take my players from 16 to 19 with ease.

XP would have to be insanely managed, along with doing alot of pre-discovery like back then except without dying. STV you will always need help to be safe or just stay with eng goggles.

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