Is revitalizing jewel doublet nerfed/grandfathered?


New Member
I made a new level 10 and level 20 druid and the hp tick on them is very low. On my 10 druid with 2 shadowlands gems it ticks for 23. On my old monk from dragonflight season 3 with 5 gems it ticks for 766.
It doesnt work properly on druids. Ive gotten random full ticks after shape shifting but its 99.9% of the time greatly reduced.
It doesnt work properly on druids. Ive gotten random full ticks after shape shifting but its 99.9% of the time greatly reduced.
Thank you for confirming that with me. Any suggestions on what else to make? I already have a level 10 monk (bm/mw) and looking to try out a 20.
It doesnt work when you have same stat sl gems in the same armor piece, for exaple tbc chest piece can have 3 sockets and if you put all 3 versatility it will only count 1. So what you have to do is put 1 versa 1 haste 1 crit for example and that will count all 3.
If you still have truble with healing value after you fixed your gems literally remove the gem from the gear and reapply it
Idk then. My druid is 19 and Guardian and it does heal above 32 or 33 a tick. Gonna log back on and test the other specs.

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