Is it worth coming back yet?


I have left the twink community and world of warcraft for around a year now, basically...I have been living my life to the fullest and now I am ready to settle down and look for a game to play again. The main reason I left WoW before was because of bad updates and stupid op classes, such as frost mages hitting 300k frost bombs or a ferals ungodly healing, so with the current patch 5.4 I am wondering if it is worth comming back, and if so what server are 20s most popular on. I ofcourse have no intention of paying 15 bucks a month as personally its a waste of money however, I would like to enjoy it on the side without playing on a private server that will close within a week.

On a side-note: after around 7 years of playing together I found out all my original friends have left...i am not gonna lie and say it didn't make me a little sad, to realize I was the last one...on a dead server. So I am looking for some new friends to hang out with and twink with :)

TL;DR Is wow worth coming back to? If so, what server is f2p twinks most relevant on [US]? Is this bracket relevant? Do ques pop? Do you think the game is still fun? Please give me your feed back, I wouldn't mind making videos for you guys as well if any of you need a camera/editor.
Yes, it is, Balance is crazy and you will probably get one-shotted by 24 rogues numerous times but It is enjoyable to play. AP is by far the most active server for f2ps in US. EU is twisting nether or Agrammar.

Also your sig is a bit...problematic...
Lol I have had it for a long time, anywho, what is AP?
Lol I have had it for a long time, anywho, what is AP?
Aerie Peak.

If you're looking for balance I'm afraid you just missed it. 5.3 was as close as f2p's been to being equal with 24s, and I couldn't really point at a class besides heals in general that were op.

5.4 on the other hand, well I'll put it to you straight: hunts and rogues are OP. 24 hunts and rogues are beyond OP, and can take out a f2p in top gear in seconds if they have the right enchants. It's definitely not a fair matchup.

On the other hand I haven't had this much fun on my resto druid in a while. It's enjoyable as long as you relax and realize that yeah, sometimes you'll lose just because of pure unfair imbalance. But when you overcome that imbalance and win, it's a rush :) And good value for the money. Beats a lot of free games :D
intresting. Well I wont be a bandwagon douche, i used to have those, hated em, ill play the worst class and try to be the best, gives me a challenge.
thanks for your inputs also, what about korgath?
intresting. Well I wont be a bandwagon douche, i used to have those, hated em, ill play the worst class and try to be the best, gives me a challenge.
thanks for your inputs also, what about korgath?

Korgath is a server that is trying to become the "Arena" server of the f2p scene. IMO, you would probably be better rolling a toon on AP since there is a good amount of ally and horde there as they premade and arena, korgath only has a few alliance players though. It's up to you, I would strongly suggest ap personally :)
Bend, you'd love this patch. Rogues as far as the eye can see (get it?). Healers nerfed to the ground, it would be a challenge for rdruid again. More of*
You can play with an Ele shaman , Guardian Drood , Nelf rogue , Nelf rogues got some absurde critz , like 1k :)

Yes, it is, Balance is crazy and you will probably get one-shotted by 24 rogues numerous times but It is enjoyable to play. AP is by far the most active server for f2ps in US. EU is twisting nether or Agrammar.

Also your sig is a bit...problematic...

Loooool xD !
make a restoration druid or holy paladin they nerfed f2p really hard

them 500 rejuvs and neverending mana
Klinda whut deh furk . Bwl Num 1 gnomeball thus BWL NUM 1 . the logic is sound .

Sorry about that :)

to the op, I also forgot to mention that bwl is a great realm also as it has awesome hordies that was formerly led by the brackets fluffiest and most cuddly druid FC :) So def check out bwl if you want.

Also I heard bwl has a rapist in there midst... and I would wager it's probably Feet...
Hahaha, gnomeball so much fun!!! Yeah,bwl is bot a huge community, but ppl there are pretty nice.

I would suggest you not rolling a hardcaster class if u wanna have fun (or be able to cast twice before ur dead). Healers seem to be a nice choice since they disappearing. I created a hpally and everybg there is a LOT of work to do as ur the only healer many times


Or is Arms Warrior stronger than rogue? pls tell me. I want to roll clothies

worgen arms warrior popping speed pots in str stacked gear is absolutely retarted . i destroyed clothies in 5.3 and now that they buffed warrior damage a bunch they are even stronger.

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