Is it seriously worth the time and effort?

Chris, I completely understand where you're coming from. Yeah the state of 19s aren't what they use to be, a lot of non twinks and bad players q now(IE players that don't play objectively) AND YES the overall attitude of 19 players SUCK now. Mine especially cuz everyones so subpar in pugs. But having negative attitudes about it and chasing away new recruits that could POSSIBLY help w/ class imbalances in pugs..FUCK that's no way to help i sit?

Premades are decent atm, if certain guilds would stop dojjijng other guilds and NEW people would come to ruin to fill guild spots we'd be fixed

Like damn >.<
Reflexes said:
FUCK that's no way to help i sit?

Yes, you sit down.

Twinking is known for its rough times. And yes, I find it extremely annoying as well, all the epeening and shizzle that is the trademark of this bracket now a days. (Stian doing an awsome job at contributing to this). Just too bad that EU is too small to roll other brackets. I guess US is lucky in the sense that it's large enough and populated enough to get 39s bracket rolling?

I wish things were different here atleast. I enjoy playing with No Hands No Victory though. Spanish people, even if they're epeening, you don't understand them! :D
Reflexes said:
YES the overall attitude of 19 players SUCK now. ... But having negative attitudes about it ...that's no way to help i sit?

It might help a little to let the ruinites know their dicktarded a-hole attitudes are ruining the bracket. And you're one to talk, after the anti-welcome you especially rolled out for me when I xferred to Ruin. But when one of your guys is in Ruin vent and can hear the opposite faction players saying don't Q cause cause your guild has a group in Q, and then when your group finally gets in WSG after 25 minutes in Q, and the allies that pugged in with you refuse to help or leave, how is that helping the bracket? You fucktards seem to be doing everything you can to drive off people who are twinking now. So shut the fuck up already you hypocritical douche.

O, and thanks to whoever reported my wow forum post about that and got me permabanned. GG.
Yeah, I see you guys point. I will try to keep my negative opinions on the low low. :)

I am only leveling 1 of my 3 19 locks and maybe a the hunter or pally, so if 19s get more to "my" liking again, I won't have to reroll again.
squidmagnet said:
It might help a little to let the ruinites know their dicktarded a-hole attitudes are ruining the bracket. And you're one to talk, after the anti-welcome you especially rolled out for me when I xferred to Ruin. But when one of your guys is in Ruin vent and can hear the opposite faction players saying don't Q cause cause your guild has a group in Q, and then when your group finally gets in WSG after 25 minutes in Q, and the allies that pugged in with you refuse to help or leave, how is that helping the bracket? You fucktards seem to be doing everything you can to drive off people who are twinking now. So shut the fuck up already you hypocritical douche.

I've done my fair share of trolling, some displayed on TI forums. The video/thread I made on ruin froums, a combined effort of kaos and I. The da pictures..mostly just me ama made the slideshow though soooo. The twinkytoes thread on ruin forums where I pretended to be him and posted that video... we got death star ti thread... Yeah I admitted in my post I'm not excluded..I'm probably the worst but I've always been helpful when people have asked questions and I've ALWAYS encouraged activity. Your case, shortngurly I was simply trying to get a rise out of you and your guild so they would keep premading us. That and they were talking shit on wtws (WHICH WAS A VERY SOLID GUILD IN IT'S PRIME) 8-0 in premades w/ our full a-team overall like 14-6 now? OFF TOPIC SORRY

anyway, I have nothing against you and I apologize if you're seriously still that upset..
Admin said:
@Pizza - I agree that premades are healthy, but saying that pugging is better than ever is grossly untrue. 2-3 months ago, I would agree, today... nope. Nada... If 19s pugging is so good, why do I see so many 19s in 39 pugs?

You are correct about that. Pugs were better a few months ago, BUT what most people are arguing is that pugs were better before everyone went to Ruin, before the patch hit that made it so everyone had to move to one BG. Pugs were A LOT worse before. Having players who are new to the game, not level 19 really hurt competition. Ever since the Ruin migration pugs and premades have only improved.

Pugs will improve. Pugs are directly related to the bracket's player base. Players will only continue to get better as time goes on.
Imthirsty said:
Im still looking for a Ruin Guild US, I have a shaman and warrior ready to go lvl 19.

Are they in Ruin or are they still on another battlegroup?
I am building a Priest 19 twink, cause I have extra time to spare and money to spend. name is Looknotouch on Theforgottencoast. I'm building up set for stam, healing, and dps. And I was interested in getting into a twink guild and xfereing after my main builds him completely. I wanted to do shadow dps. but I can heal to. Is there a current battlegroup where the que times aren't 2 hours long? Mabye a twink guild i could xfer too?
Looknotouch said:
I am building a Priest 19 twink, cause I have extra time to spare and money to spend. name is Looknotouch on Theforgottencoast. I'm building up set for stam, healing, and dps. And I was interested in getting into a twink guild and xfereing after my main builds him completely. I wanted to do shadow dps. but I can heal to. Is there a current battlegroup where the que times aren't 2 hours long? Mabye a twink guild i could xfer too?

ruin for us

blackout for eu
Admin said:
I'm not grumpy, just a little irritated with the state of the game (twinking). The game and it's players have evolved into something I don't like as much. Gameplay, attitudes, mechanics... a little of everything. The good thing is that I am finding some of what I loved about twinking again in another bracket currently, although I see some glimpses of what the 19 bracket has become there too. Although many think Cata will save twinking, I feel it will destroy it personally. If so, I will have to move on. The state of twinking has made more time available for other hobbies though... just bought a new Harley and a new Canon 7D with a 18-200 pro lens. Also spending most of my early evenings teaching my son to pitch. (Which is hard since I never pitched, just 3rd base)

This my friend is what I would like to call, the introduction of casual gamers into the twinking community. Just like at 80 where it now a complete joke because you can gear up in a week or 2 and pug toc/icc 10 and 25 man raids to be as geared as people who are in a distinguished raiding guild. Twinking has now attracted the average casual gamer on wow to want to try something new while their lolheroic geared 80 sits for a few days waiting for the lockouts to open again. While it might introduce more players into our little twinking world, it also grabs the attention of those people that think they "pwn" at any level of gameplay. When, in fact, they have no idea wtf they are doing and thus the "lolubad" fest begins. People don't seem to take too kindly to newer players here on Ruin lately either. Especially those old hecklers who keep talking about "well back in the old days of twinking this went on and such, and we didn't have exploits, and blah blah blah..". Those types of people and those who keep making these stupid "twinking is dead" threads don't help equally imo. We might be going downhill for now, but I'd rather ride the ride for all it's worth before I can't any longer.

That's just my 2 cents.
I currently have 5 twinks in Ruin, all of which I never play due to the elitists that get off on running their mouths. The long queue times for pugs are really irritating, too. And with the newest patch, you can't even see if there are any BGs going on.

Go look at your pvp tab and try to queue for.. say WSG 1. You can't anymore. I'd like to know if there are any BG's before I sit in queue for 3 hours.

2v2 queue times are pretty decent most of the time, but I always run across the same few people whenever I queue and there's almost always a hunter or shaman.

All that being said, I'll definitely be playing more often when Cata gets an official release date.

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