Is it seriously worth the time and effort?


Well, I'll start off with introducing myself, I'm Joel, I go by the in-game names of Volna, Vigor, Kairi, Vigilant and Violette. I twinked in Bloodlust for a very long time, and I quit as WotLK came through, and to my understanding, that was the better time to quit.

I recently downed Lich King in 25-man on my main, and I'm now bored with end content and I'm searching for a come back at any price into twinking.

What the hell is happening these days? What are premade doing? Are all the twinks still as simple minded and as mediocre as PuG's in BC? What do you guys honestly think is happening to twinking, and is it worth coming back?

Please, please, please do not answer with all the crap I've heard before, I know all you forum trolls are happy to scream 'twinkings dead, don't come back' or anything along the lines of it at me - I've heard it all, and now I want your honest opinions. :)
So wait, you just want the positive opinions. You ask for honest answers, yet you don't wanna hear the negative opinions. Ok. I'll leave you to hear how great the cheerleaders say it is so they can get some fresh meat.
Like any collection of human beings you still have your percentile of simpletons. On the other hand having all twinks also gives rise to the old addage "Too many chiefs, not enough Indians." People in the twink BGs tend to have a greater ability to play but also tend to be Know It Alls, with each spouting off their oppinions on how to win. Occasionally you get someone like Pizza who can carry a game without typing a word. I would say the competition is alot better, with fewer lowbies in the game giving away HK to the enemy and more well geared people on both sides. All in all it's still fun, especially with the BOA gear and(for the extreme) titles to be had. I would suggest that you gear up your twink on your main's realm with BOA's then xfer the lil Bastid to a Ruin realm. All in all i think it's killer fun! enjoy!!
Admin said:
So wait, you just want the positive opinions. You ask for honest answers, yet you don't wanna hear the negative opinions. Ok. I'll leave you to hear how great the cheerleaders say it is so they can get some fresh meat.

I'm sorry, but I said honest opinions, not positive opinions.

I said I don't want to hear stereo-typical stuff I've already heard.

You may be admin, but you should read before you flame.
Kairi said:
I'm sorry, but I said honest opinions, not positive opinions.

I said I don't want to hear stereo-typical stuff I've already heard.

You may be admin, but you should read before you flame.

Actually, I wasn't flaming you retard. This is flaming.

You said...

Please, please, please do not answer with all the crap I've heard before, I know all you forum trolls are happy to scream 'twinkings dead, don't come back' or anything along the lines of it at me - I've heard it all, and now I want your honest opinions.

You don't want to hear us say twinking is dead, don't come back. When I said you want positive opinions, it wasn't based on exact verbage use used, it was based on the fact that you don't want to hear... twinking is dead, don't come back. Simple as that.

All I am going to tell you is that 19s fucking blow now, unless you are into chest beating arena or get into a 10v10 premading guild. Even 10v10 premades aren't enough to keep me in 19s anymore. But anyhow, I will let you hear how good it is from the Ruin Cheerleaders. (enter superdrood, pizza, and that mage)

reading is FUNdamental.
Its only worth your time if you are with a good guild and have vent imo...

Revolution - Shattered Hand (US) is the guild im in and we have a bunch of australians (myself included) who played on Bloodlust back in the day, aswell as americans.

Everyone is pretty chilled about WoW but most are skilled aswell too, so its nice.


If you're interested.

@Drayner: Is "that mage" me? Also, why are you so mad?
Premades happen weekly between guilds. Pugs are better than they have ever been skill wise and level wise (all 19s).
The pugs that happen are fantastic by comparison to before xp-off bg's were introduced. Anyone who says otherwise twinked to farm lowbies. What sucks is that games only happen during primetime. To me, it's worth it.
@Stickymitten - No, the mage is Aurio or somthing like that. I just couldn't think of the name last night. I am not mad at all, just sharing my opinion on the bracket. That's what I do. If things were peachy, I would be singing the 19 praise.

@Pizza - I agree that premades are healthy, but saying that pugging is better than ever is grossly untrue. 2-3 months ago, I would agree, today... nope. Nada... If 19s pugging is so good, why do I see so many 19s in 39 pugs? Oh and LOL @ Devin pulling a Pizza-style AFK 2x last night on his 39.

@the OP - If you are in a dead bg with no pops, you might love the pugs in ruin. At least you could actually play. If I had not experienced pugging in ruin when it was great, when there were nothing but good twinks rolling... I might not feel the way I do now. I am thinking of pulling a Mazurati and letting my 19 twinks and 80 druid go too.
jauga said:
Anyone who says otherwise twinked to farm lowbies.

Wait so anyone that doesn't like to be on a team where 1/2 their team is midfield farming - twinks to farm lowbies?

Anyone that doesn't like to face 6-7 hunters against then - twinks to farm lowbies?

Anyone that is upset about how Druids and Shaman have dramatically changed 19 WSG - twinks to farm lowbies?

I just to understand this because if "I" wanted to farm lowbies, I would be BoA leveling 10-19 over and over again in XP-ON BGs like so people I actually know. Me, I think that's boring as hell.
Thanks for clarifying Drayner, and yes I agree with you about the problems of hunters and non-twinks not knowing what to do so just milling about. And yep druids and shamans are pretty damn stupid now.

If you are in a good guild though that doesn't matter AS much. :)
Well that wasn't directed specifically at you, Drayner. I think it's safe to say that anyone who still checks this forum didn't twink to farm lowbies. The people who couldn't hang with actual competition are gone. Unfortunately, without those people there isn't much of a bracket left.

I stand by my statement that the games that actually pop are fun.
jauga said:
Well that wasn't directed specifically at you, Drayner. I think it's safe to say that anyone who still checks this forum didn't twink to farm lowbies. The people who couldn't hang with actual competition are gone. Unfortunately, without those people there isn't much of a bracket left.

I stand by my statement that the games that actually pop are fun.

Gotcha. Stop calling me Drayner though. Chris... call me Chris. :)

I will agree though, some games are better than no games.
Admin said:
Gotcha. Stop calling me Drayner though. Chris... call me Chris. :)

I will agree though, some games are better than no games.

Alrighty John.

Anyways, I think that come Cataclysm, it would be possible to attempt to bring more into twinking by making use of the Guild Leveling System and the Bind on Guild equipment, but that's going to take actual cross-server coordination and the like.
No offense... but... What happend to the ... Chris ... we all got to know and love? This one feels like a grumpy old hating machine :(

/miss R.I.P. Drayner
I'm not grumpy, just a little irritated with the state of the game (twinking). The game and it's players have evolved into something I don't like as much. Gameplay, attitudes, mechanics... a little of everything. The good thing is that I am finding some of what I loved about twinking again in another bracket currently, although I see some glimpses of what the 19 bracket has become there too. Although many think Cata will save twinking, I feel it will destroy it personally. If so, I will have to move on. The state of twinking has made more time available for other hobbies though... just bought a new Harley and a new Canon 7D with a 18-200 pro lens. Also spending most of my early evenings teaching my son to pitch. (Which is hard since I never pitched, just 3rd base)
Fair enough. Just looked different to me :)

I can't wait for Cataclysm. For once, the hunters will constantly live in fear, the hell, they've put the rest of us in for the last 5 years! (Muhahaha?)

My ret paladins is gonna be on the stage of OPness that will make all other classes useless, and most likely destroy twinking. If so, I can say I was there from the beginng and until the very end! ;)

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