Is it really gonna be worth it?

Schmuckie, 19 rogue, Illidan, Alliance, Rampage Battlegroup. Time spent in queue in the last two weeks: 612 minutes (almost 2 hours a day, excluding weekends). Number of WSG's played: 0.

Will it be worth it? I know, the above facts look overwhelming, and switching to Ruin will probably be best. But will it be worth leaving all my fellow twink friends i have made? Will it be worth it abandoning the twink guild i have started and all the gold i have put in it(about 3000g)?

Someone on Ruin, please tell me what really happens. Do you really get great pop times, is the population as high as you say it is, and is the community a welcoming and helpful one?

Thanks in advance.
pops are not like the XP bg's but there are a lot of twinks on ruin now. I would say if you want to continue playing in WSG you should transfer to ruin. Depends on when you are qing as well. I've been in a Q for like 1.5 hours but that was from 9-10:30 this morning. i took a screen shot of 3-4 different WSG games (no-XP bg's) going on last night
i dont play 19 but us 59's have organised que days/times wsg ab and arenas over the long run it's worth it, but i think twinklust are getting games aswell(for 19s ofc), i havent lurked there fourms for a while so i can't tell.
woops, seems i did some incorrect math up there; oh well (only about one hour a day). Grabco, thankyou for the insight. but its not just about getting WSG pops and doing arena teams. its the community. its all the fun i have dueling outside sw and gathering 19 twinks to do 20 man instances. i want to meet active players who love twinking as much i do (btw, i barely even have an 80, and i dont play on him, ever). i want a fun guild with tons of helpful things in it similar to my own, and i want to better myself as a twink, get that fucking hat and AGM.
well Ruin is the place to be for all of that but it really is server dependent. Horde Elune has a very weak economy and barely any horde lvl 19's while Ally Elune is the opposite. go on during primtime hours and do a "/who 19" to see how many 19's are around.
< also from illidan, I feel your pain since I've turned xp gain off I've played 0 games and maybe 3 arena's. I am transfering in maybe a week, (depending on if more 80's want there AGM >.<) I'd be glad to send you a PM when i get there.(of course my perspective will be from horde)
mickyhaynes said:
Do you really get great pop times, is the population as high as you say it is, and is the community a welcoming and helpful one?

#1) Que times are very decent, but it depends on the time of day that your qued. I would say from about 12pm-12pm (eastern) its great. If your on the west side like I am, and you happen to be the kind of person who plays till 3am, 6am eastern, you might be kind of upset.

#2) Somewhat. There are a lot of trolls on Ruin, and a lot of people who will be way more willing to just call you bad then they will throw you a helping hand. If your the kind of person who gets upset when people talk crap, I would suggest staying off the forums and out of the politics of Ruin.

Hope it helps.
Trêêhuggêr said:
i dont play 19 but us 59's have organised que days/times wsg ab and arenas over the long run it's worth it, but i think twinklust are getting games aswell(for 19s ofc), i havent lurked there fourms for a while so i can't tell.

yes we get games in badlust
Before you commit to a transfer, try rolling a hasty 19 in the Realm/Faction that you are considering. I did a quick sample of three realms and had a blast running three DKs to 60 in BGs while I was at it. It was also fun to level from about 12 to 19 in the XP BGs.

Consumables can be hard to come by in some realms, as well as low level gear. Probably your best bet for a transfer is to find a good guild before you go.

In the end I quit retail WoW after after doing no XP on Ruin for about a week using a low-budget semi-twink. It was okay, but I'm a late night player and the queues got too slow after midnight.

You might want to do some scouting for a realm here:

WoW Census

Good Luck!
FrostShockIsOP said:
I went ruin and never went back. Best decision ever.

arena's started popping today at like 11:00 am about 5-6 people continuously qing for at least an hour then I had to go. I would suggest finishing your AGM before you come here (guess it depends on what server you go to though)
If you're just gunna do lolpugs, don't bother coming imo.

Join a competitive guild and contribute something to the community
pugs are competitive on ruin, now with the 10-10 fill. i think the games are better.

i'm out west and used to play late at night, before the 10-10 fill patch, games were becoming poorly mismatched, especially if you played horde. rolling into a BG with 3-6 players wasn't fun no more, and if we got drop ins it was too late because someone already left pissed off. glad to see that is gone.

although i have to play earlier now, and can't do twilight or are better quality.
1-2 WSGs running at a time, 3 when premades are going.
Grabco said:
arena's started popping today at like 11:00 am about 5-6 people continuously qing for at least an hour then I had to go. I would suggest finishing your AGM before you come here (guess it depends on what server you go to though)

I can attest to the truth of this. Unless you've got amazing luck or a pocket full of gold to buy help, finish your AGM before you xfer.
It's definitely worth it man. We've had some really fun pug matches. Seems like most of the scrubs have been weeded out at this point, lots of good players on both sides.
Someone on Ruin, please tell me what really happens. Do you really get great pop times, is the population as high as you say it is, and is the community a welcoming and helpful one?

Do you really get great pop times?


s the population as high as you say it is


s the community a welcoming and helpful one?

Lots of nice people lost of not so nice people.

So my answer is it depends.
mmmm i see it as worth it.. being the shit on my bg group.. is not worth not being able to WSG. i will be over there as soon as i can figure out how to bring my like 2 guild bank tabs over. lol
shanker said:
pugs are competitive on ruin, now with the 10-10 fill. i think the games are better.

i'm out west and used to play late at night, before the 10-10 fill patch, games were becoming poorly mismatched, especially if you played horde. rolling into a BG with 3-6 players wasn't fun no more, and if we got drop ins it was too late because someone already left pissed off. glad to see that is gone.

although i have to play earlier now, and can't do twilight or are better quality.

there is no "10-10 fill" anymore is was hotfixed due to complications i believe

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