Sorry I havent logged on in a few days/weeks
Sanctuary been playing both factions everyday in fact. i think we had 10 + guildies running Ally most of the day. Bracket is sexy when you control what faction will dominate.
Think how much more effective you could have been if you didn't have crusader on your main weapon hand or silver lined belt , stamina on boot enchant or 100 hp on chest. Your 5k healing is bad your losing so much stats 21% crit is bad . You should have mid 30 plus you have 420 Ap compared to a good rogue having 740+ ap
i really can't take anyone serious who puts crusader on main hand as a rogue. Notice all your games you bearly get victory. I see a pattern. You had 3 healers in that Wsg one actually had 43k in heals yet you heal yourself lol. Your hurting your team and you don't even understand. Lol
Crusader on main hand lol
Why do you feel the need to make threads in the f2p forums? Put SS of your f2p with f2p restrictions winning bgs? In fact make a f2p account for your f2p toon only or is that too much hard work for you?
If you stopped posting in the f2p section and used that time gearing you'd be pretty close. But trolling is more fun to you?i'd trade my 24 rogue for a BiS F2P paladin/druid in a heart beat.
i can't put myself through the dreaded gearing-up process of a F2P.
unlike most twinks, i don't enjoy the process of twinking, i like the pvp part only.
seeing how this bracket is easily 90% F2P, pointing out the current status of the bracket with a thread in F2P section is helpful for twinks who are considering rolling a F2P.
Can't we petition the mods to tell this guy, who doesn't play f2p and has no intention of doing so to, to stop posting in the f2p section? It's just weird, there is a 20-24 forum for this.
I missed the part where you were obligated to enter the thread.
I missed the part where you were obligated to enter the thread.
with your 19s ego im amazed you arent banned