solo Qing and getting almost entire teams of braindead players/undergeared players vs any decent group is gonna be annoying but since u went horde u a traitor i hope we run into eachother while I'm in a group and not solo dolo yolo plus fk horde scum always getting buffs and everybody plays horde only real ninjas play alliancebruhh its just squad casual bgs we aint goin try hard bruh sorry we duck pugs up tho
farnk not having issues vs hordes ;o
farnk enjoys alliance ;D
here some general bg games from tonight, some have various twinks, some premade some not ;o (horde and ally both) nothing special but just shows alliance still good! ^^
farnk not ogre.Why do you talk like an ogre
farnk not ogre.
farnk r like onion, many layer also very odorous ;o
farnk speaks normal also ;o
idk about the other racials, but torrent and stomp still only last 2 seconds. good enough for me thoughI'm assuming you're talking about the racial changes that happened pretty long ago - like a good bit before the legion prepatch.
They buffed duration on warstomp and arcane torrent and buffed the passive stun reduc on orcs. Don't remember the exact numbers or if there were more buffs.
edit: Found it. It was 6.2.2 so even longer ago than I thought.
oh yeah they changed torrent since then back to 2s and reduced the cd like they did with stompidk about the other racials, but torrent and stomp still only last 2 seconds. good enough for me though
i been on the ally gang since cata man i couldnt handle it anymore and hope i do run into another premade i love some good competitionsolo Qing and getting almost entire teams of braindead players/undergeared players vs any decent group is gonna be annoying but since u went horde u a traitor i hope we run into eachother while I'm in a group and not solo dolo yolo plus fk horde scum always getting buffs and everybody plays horde only real ninjas play alliance