Is Cyclone battlegroup (us) good to make 39 alliance twink on if you want a challenge

i havent heard of any remotely decent player in nightfall. however, i do know that a lot of the top players now play on cyclone.

your pick. do 10s with bads or do arenas with people that will give you a challenge

edit: and if you're going to come in here trying to disagree with me, realize this:

i have never seen any player from a battlegroup other than cyclone, bloodlust or rampage get on the ptr to back up their talk. put up or shut up
Bromrotama said:
Cool story

Witty response bro.

-Edit- Forgot the bro.
Powerglove said:
i havent heard of any remotely decent player in nightfall. however, i do know that a lot of the top players now play on cyclone.

your pick. do 10s with bads or do arenas with people that will give you a challenge

edit: and if you're going to come in here trying to disagree with me, realize this:

i have never seen any player from a battlegroup other than cyclone, bloodlust or rampage get on the ptr to back up their talk. put up or shut up

lol at this. take my silence as consent, it will make you feel better.
Bromrotama said:
lol at this. take my silence as consent, it will make you feel better.

You keep taking that high road brah (lolthankssun).
Hey there kettle. So you make broad sweeping statements the come from sketchy 2nd hand sources and I respond. You then decide to ignore the topic entirely from that point on and start with the snarky, unproductive comments and expect any less? Get over yourself, either contribute to the conversation or slink back to your second rate BG.
Situation said:
Hey there kettle. So you make broad sweeping statements the come from sketchy 2nd hand sources and I respond. You then decide to ignore the topic entirely from that point on and start with the snarky, unproductive comments and expect any less? Get over yourself, either contribute to the conversation or slink back to your second rate BG.

You just keep placing your foot deeper in your mouth. I didn't ignore the topic entirely, I stated that I have heard, i bolded this so you get the point. I wasn't bashing cyclone at all. I like how you reference "your second rate bg". "Snarky, unproductive comments" ehhh, i like how you call me out on this when you're doing......the same?

edit: i also feel a need to comment on the I Have Heard dilemma. I was just stating opinions that have been expressed to me, without divulging sources. I am allowed to do that. I know cyclone has the oldest twink base, but i think its distasteful and arrogant to claim cylcone is the best. Cause we all know reckoning is the best right?

You said that you had heard Cyclone was a completely gear dependent and no where near the top skilled. I responded, asking who these people were (since I may have known them / have some perspective). It's pretty convenient to say you'd rather not divulge sources but whatever. After another round of posts you decide to go Mr. cool on me and discontinue any productive conversation. You started the deterioration of this thread, I just obliged you. After that point I really didn't see the need to give you a considerate response.

You call it arrogance, I call it confidence.

You call it distasteful, I call it competitive.
Situation said:

You said that you had heard Cyclone was a completely gear dependent and no where near the top skilled. I responded, asking who these people were (since I may have known them / have some perspective). It's pretty convenient to say you'd rather not divulge sources but whatever. After another round of posts you decide to go Mr. cool on me and discontinue any productive conversation. You started the deterioration of this thread, I just obliged you. After that point I really didn't see the need to give you a considerate response.

You call it arrogance, I call it confidence.

You call it distasteful, I call it competitive.

Ok here goes. I will admit, I was wrong for saying i heard cyclone wasnt near top skilled, I shouldnt have stirred the pot on that one. /apologize.

People who cite a stat lens or a PoD as the reason the lost are just bitter and can't figure why they didn't win. Who are the people you are referring too.. In all likelihood they were nobodies who really don't factor into this conversation anyways.

In all honesty Cyclone's activity is fine in my eyes anything more is just gravy. Skill will continue to recognize Cyclone for what it is and move here, so we don't need a mass migration of mediocrity anyways.

The evidence suggests you started the deterioration...../shrug
You're right because you didn't start it with the first post you made. You know, the one you just apologized for?

In any case, I have to go. Have a field day, I check this out tomorrow.
Situation said:
You're right because you didn't start it with the first post you made. You know, the one you just apologized for?

In any case, I have to go. Have a field day, I check this out tomorrow.

Here's a present for tomorrow.

Your theory that cyclone has the most "skilled" players is just that, a theory.

I stand behind this claim

Now, I have never had a toon in Cyclone, but i know people who have. From what they have said, and this is all opinion, is cyclone has the best geared players (green lens' w/ stats, PoD's), but no where close to the most skilled.

Apparently, this is the one that made you turn bright red with anger. Maybe you overreacted a little, but can you say this is really confrontational? I did apologize, and i stand behind my apology too. But i thought i cleared this comment up with the other posts i made after this?
so if i make a toon in cyclones battlegroup ill automatically become a skilled beast of a player ?.. face it every bg has there bads and very gear reliant people.
Alteffour said:
What times were you playing pers, most of the afternoon there were 3 or 4 wsg's going (although only 1 or 0 AB..but who cares about ab)

Admittedly, it was about 9:30am. I know having 0 wsg's going on is not the norm on Cyclone, but I've never encountered that on any other BG before.

And I don't think I really recall ever seeing 4 WSG's going at once on Cyclone. I typically find 2 is the norm. But at least that means the twinks seem to be a little less 'diluted'. But then again, I don't have much time for WoW anymore and only log on a few times a week for a few quick games.

Anyways, this battlegroup chest thumping ritual is pretty amusing. Its like everyone is trying to say they are the best, so that makes people rerolling/xfering want to go there. Its just a matter of whose the loudest.
@ pers..

while we were waiting for mutilatrix to get his group going for our premades there were 3 wsg's going...I assume when we started the premade a few seconds later that put it up to 4. ;p

2 does seem to be the norm...but ill definatly take 2 wsg's with properly geared and well skilled players over 5 wsg's and a bunch of bads.

You know the one BG that never seems to get much love here is Ruin...Ive not played there and I hear there are some bads...but I know for certain there are some extreemly skilled people that are either from there (now in cyclone) or still playing there on a somewhat regular basis.

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