Pretty much everything is viable at 19 so long as you run with a group, compared to the other warrior specs they have a little higher damage then fury overall but less burst and utility
it is. especially when the other team has 6 hunters...had some games where im hunters marked from across the map and i run straight to rejuv/zerker hut with 3 idiot hunters aiming at the opening waiting for me to come out. Kill all their pets pick up zerker/rejuv & kill them if they dare enter my shell. sadly that's all you could do.
It looks like Shadowfang and Gutterblade are BiS if you have access to them, if you don't Protectors sword/Boa tank sword MH and Razor's edge OH are good aswell.
imo. arms is one of the most enjoyable specs as a warrior.. yes you are gimped compared to other classes. but so is fury and prot. bring along a healer friend and youll have a nice ole time.. take advantage of huts. tunnels. bases. (LoS).
whats wrong? the BiS list is hit capped, the only thing i see if maybe switching out the argas ring for wsg for more crit but imo rings are all optional but everything else seems right (of course when im arms i try and pick up a lot of crit/agi instead of str but thats just me