Is 100hp to chest back?

Well the servers aren't up yet, but I doublechecked 2 days ago and it was working on the PTR.

I'm pretty sure that was the final PTR build too.
Yeah, I got it last night on my Blackened defias before today, I don't wanna have to find someone late.
Faceroll said:
Yeah, I got it last night on my Blackened defias before today, I don't wanna have to find someone late.

I made scrolls of them to sell :rolleyes:
i personally prefeer 4 stats :S

but i have a BD chest with it in bank incase i change my mind.
I roll horde, long live 150. :)

But I have 40x +100 Scrolls made up and 25x +4 scrolls.
Drayner said:
I roll horde, long live 150. :)

But I have 40x +100 Scrolls made up and 25x +4 scrolls.


casters i guess 100HP / 150 HP would be better, and same with FC's.

But just not for my roll.

and i wish you luck, i wish i woulda farmed more titanium ore before today. >_>

i think i have at most 20 in my bank.. (lol 500G YAY)
+4 Stats is superior to 100 HP regardless. Quit being sheep, HP stacking is not exactly the epitome of masterful twinking.
Amity said:
+4 Stats is superior to 100 HP regardless. Quit being sheep, HP stacking is not exactly the epitome of masterful twinking.

<- rocks 4 stats
Amity said:
+4 Stats is superior to 100 HP regardless. Quit being sheep, HP stacking is not exactly the epitome of masterful twinking.

i laffed. but really, depends on the class and what you're doing, however any good twink would have both enchants.
Zerô Skill said:
i laffed. but really, depends on the class and what you're doing, however any good twink would have both enchants.


and im... confused is your photo modified?

not trying to be rude or anything but the face seems a little long O_O
jailbot said:

and im... confused is your photo modified?

not trying to be rude or anything but the face seems a little long O_O

zero, this made me laugh so hard irl, you have no idea. hahaha.
+4 stats and +100 hp both serve diffrent purposes while 100 HP is better for a FCing class +4 stats is generally better for a DPS class, but as always there are exceptions.
Amity said:
+4 Stats is superior to 100 HP regardless. Quit being sheep, HP stacking is not exactly the epitome of masterful twinking.

For flag carriers? No. For locks/casters? No.
well we are soon to have it back (99% sure i didn't ptr so i can't say 100%)

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