IRL Photos. (Part 2)

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PureCraft said:
Looks like someone's gotta crush on Ryrith... I see you googling him. ^^

and if you look again you'll see all the tabs spells "hi ryrith you're a tool"
bragh does looking that gay come naturally or did you try to pose like that.

and that tattoo looks like poop, hope it isnt permanent
Falkor said:
bragh does looking that gay come naturally or did you try to pose like that.

and that tattoo looks like poop, hope it isnt permanent

Looking gay, comes really natural to me! But the girls like the "clean" style, I'm man enough to not care to be "cool" on every single photo ;)
what does "clean style" translate into? i mean its not you are just uncool, but you look like the definition of the work twink (yes that one, not from wow)
Bragh said:
Looking gay, comes really natural to me! But the girls like the "clean" style, I'm man enough to not care to be "cool" on every single photo ;)

Yep, the suit and hair is realy awsome :D
Subpar said:
its quite simple, you mad cause he stylin on you sir

needs further translation. you mean he's being a fag on me?
nobody said:

This was me about 2 weeks ago

Was this also when you were high as hell? Lawl.
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