
Hey, I'm Infuze, a 19 Hunter on Azgalor in Meat Puppet. My other twink is a 19 rogue named Requielm on Azgalor. I have an 80 hunter for my main, send me a tell if you need any help on Azgalor with a new twink/transferred twink (I know many people are transferring Ruin now).

Thanks, cya all around
have i introduced myself?


Omgimarogue (19 rogue :p), GM of <Ctrl Alt Leet>, Gurubashi/Reckoning

Omgimmalock (19 warlock :p), <Ctrl Alt Leet>, Gurubashi/Reckoning
Herro, I'm heeljoo and I, predictably enough, heal you.

Unless you're horde in my bg, in which case I'll spam hibernate and roots all day at you :)

Not really sure what else to say. Ruin > all.

Hello, i am trying to twink and so i was on google and i saw this website so i looked around and i saw what i needed and so i am making a twink pally on Twisting Nether pst me if you wanna bg with me or arena
noobietwink said:
Hello, i am trying to twink and so i was on google and i saw this website so i looked around and i saw what i needed and so i am making a twink pally on Twisting Nether pst me if you wanna bg with me or arena

Best of luck to you, alot of the people here are amazing, they will be more than happy to give you any advice.
Hello all! I play a 19 priest named "Lobstaz" in the Reckoning battlegroup, on the server Bonechewer. This is my first twink, and i'm not fully "twinked" out at this time. So far I've only played in PuGs, or in a group with maybe one other twink.

I don't believe many if any people on this forum know who I am, nor do I expect them to, because I only play once a day on my twink. If you see me out there be sure to holler at me and i'll come help ya!

I haven't yet decided if I do want to transfer off Bonechewer and go to any other server/battlegroup, but I just might...

Anyways, that's enough about me. Hope to see you out there in the battlefield! =)
With the changes to BG's and xp, the vengence battlegroups 39 bracket has suffered pretty heavily.

So, I'm turning to the 19 bracket in hopes of keeping my interest in WoW high.

I have never twinked at 19, I know little of the bracket other than the stereotypes that go around, but so far I'm enjoying the gearing up process (though leveling mining is going to suck).

I didn't want to create a rogue or a hunter as I hear they are too abundant in this bracket, so I'm starting with a holy priest. Everyone appreciates a healer, though we'll see how effective I am when I actually finish the character.

Have three friends working on 19 twinks after I started. I hope I enjoy the bracket. It seems so much more cosy than the 39/80 levels where 1 stam is factored into gear descisons and where I have so few abilities that I can actually keybind them all (I don't use that many keybinds so it's nice to be able to keybind most of my abilities since I'm a clicker at heart :p)

I hope to be utilizing this site a bit in terms of getting advice and gearing, though I've been reading the main blogish page for a while now.

Theres mah intro.
Hi im Kore, ive been twinking 19 for a long while now and i currently play in <Do you feel lucky> on Bloodfeather and <Havoc> on earthen ring. Ive been a member for PWN depot for a while, and i check it regularly but i recently decided to check out "the other site", aka here, so here i am :)
I'm an achievement whore.

With the changes made in 3.2, I decided to make a toon and try for the battlemaster title.

Got to say I'm having a blast

Toon name is a lvl 19 warrior. Name=Jayeein Server=Misha

(and I'm half way to getting the grandmaster arena trinket!!! only 6 more arena trinkets to go)
Hi, my only current twink is a 19 rogue; working on a 10 hunter.

Main is an 80 DK (Blood tank/frost dps).

Was reading this forum for a while, just never bothered to make an account.
Hello my name is matt, i have a 19 rogue named neverseen and an 80 mage named mattao. I play on the emberstorm (fail :p) battlegroup on the cairne server. Hoping to transfer to ruin soon. Lets all be friends K?
im kevin. i have a 19 lock Kafka, and 19 shaman Klownbaby. currently on bonechewer, transferring to ruin after i get them finished up. i will be rolling some more after i get all the boa's i want.
Hey guys, I've been lurking in the forum for some time and figured it was time to join. I'm Chris and I play two 19 twinks in Vengence. Snowenne a 19 hunter and Mindmeld a 19 lock, my work in progress. I started both on different realms than my main and with no support from any others. I think of it as a challenge and I think I've been pretty successful so far.
Hey Everyone

Hey guys, I'm Timon. I play a 19 twink hunter (Troll). I am on the battle group Cyclone, Server- Stonemaul (H). I'm actually pretty new to twinking. I started in January/February of this year. My 80 got boring, raids were pretty dull. Just farming whatever content that was available at the time. And arenas were not that really appealing to me. But it was pretty fun for some time. But that died down quick. But when i made my 19 twink. It has stayed fun throughout. So i am happy to be in the twink community. And i am going to try to post more. I hardly ever do.
Hello, I am a former guild master of a guild in cyclone, Second Heartbeat-Stonemaul. We premade and all its pretty fun =D.

My main twinks are Fc,Brathus,Hiheal,Roflpwnts,issogh,themagicone, and some more i dont like to play much but i am very like'd so far in cyclone and we have a big population, I started twinking with my 29 rogue that used to be 19, he was fairly geared, had everything in bc besides hat/Sf, I went to uldum but then here i am a year later xfered him back with my perfect 5 stam bracers that i got for 5g and made him a 29 twink with agm and all =) was pretty fun for a while,

my main is pretty geared and lots of people like me, i just quit a raiding guild to join bro's pvp guild for funz. it got boring really fast so all i use em for is farming gold/boa's.

If cyclone lives thru this patch we will stay, if it dies out we will leave to ruin or something to continue our love for twinking. We will give it a week or so but we will see what happens.

I have a undying passion for twinking, ive made more twinks than many have thought of and never gave up and went around the big holes bliz put in the rode, i fell in a couple but then got back out with new twinks.

I personally olny play for 19 and love it for how it is.

I hope to keep twinking with you all throught. bye =D

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