
Why hello there! A little late on this topic, oh well. Pretty much everyone in the 19 bracket already knows who I am. So... what's something that an ordinary player wouldn't known about me from first glance? I didn't learn Wing Clip until I had 10k HKs on my first 19 Hunter. I just didn't see the purpose of having Wing Clip on a 19 Hunter. Just to think I was known as one of the top Hunters then. Oh how the bracket has grown. Anyways, I'm the GM of Waw Tawent and have been playing 19s since a few months before cross realms and plan to continue to lead my guild and play 19s until I quit WoW.
Hey :) I have just joined TI but have been using it since the death of the pwndepot :(. My name is Aiden, i'm 19 and i study biomedical science in Cardiff (as fun as it sounds).

I have been twinking since TBC with lots of different classes at lots of different levels but it's possible some EU players may know me as Aimstraight/Gingerbred founder of PlayerSlayer on Bladefist.

Wanted to say cheers to all you guys for providing me with information and entertainment while i take a break from WoW.
Hi Folks - I used to be active on Draka (Vengeance) on the good ol' days. When BG's stopped popping I retired my twinks and my guild fell apart. However, with the recent (updoming) changes I'm excited to be back. I played a ton of wow, but my best memories are 19 twink battles. So here I am again. I play a warlock and have a warrior... Right now, my goal is modify the gear of my lock so she is ready.
Guess I should join the party and introduce myself.

My hunter's name is Crifais recently changed to a human hunter, I've played her since BC before the BG changes and slightly here and there since just to get achievements and such. Just before the BG changes I was going to transfer her to ruin so I could start playing again with other 19's. But since the changes I've opted to stay where I am for now. This is my only twink since I enjoy it so much I don't really feel the need to roll another. I've already seen several of you in the BG's and I'm sure that I'll see more of everyone as I get into the swing of things again, though most of the people I've seen are Horde. hehe I'm also a bit of an addon junky, so if you have questions for most addons I can generally answer them. =) As far as 80's I have a rogue main, rogue alt, pally alt and priest alt, I also have a 76 hunter.

As far as myself, I'm 27 (old fart right. =P) and live in Texas atm though I'm not originally from here. I've been playing MMO's since Evercrack, then to Star Wars Galaxies and a few others before joining WoW in the original Beta days. I'm also an avid console gamer (360 sorry PS3 folks.) And ya....I've pretty much been hooked ever since it came out.

Anyways, if you want to see what my character is like feel free to click the signature below (Still missing some items for 4.0.3) and I hope to see you around!
Well I guess its my turn. My names Chad I'm 20 years old been making twinks since pre BC. I quit when wtlk came out then came back around 2 months before Cata hit. All my toons are on Uldaman (US) and are all Alliance. Currently I'm working on a Prot pally and a Surv hunter. I run with two accounts one with BOA's one without but, I do not have all the BOA's that I need so if anyone has a main on Uldaman and wants to run some heroics I'm the hunter for you :p Looking forward to progressing in the twink scene still working on the whole mouse turning idea its so foreign to me but, hey gotta start some where!

I'm 15 years old, twinking has been my prime time waste in WoW since BC where i picked up twinking with a druid (wich is deleted by now )

All my twinks are currently 19 (also 70 if you count that in) and my main is currently a priest at Shattered Hand eu called Twinkiwinki, also got (both unfinished) prot pally and combat rogue, and for now im working for Diplomat on my priest as im also working on a ele/resto sham.

Thats it i guess, also at Shattered Hand eu there isnt alot of active twinks... so if you got one /w me ingame nicks: Twinkiwinki (Priest) Therial (Paladin) and finally Bonke (Rogue).

See ya guys around!
Hey what's up, My names Jeremy like most I too am 15, and live in NY Err... I have a 19 holy pally twink (geared) I am alliance and have a 83 lock and 75 rogue... I've been twinking for about a year now but never got the old grandfathered items ( not very smart ) sadly, and currently working on getting my achievements. Ahh also my twink's name is Juilin, It does seem harder lately to get into bg's ever since cata came out, and if I get in one its about 9-12 at night.

Hope to see you guys around sometime, GL!
whatup people =)

Chíll from Aszune (EU server), not BiS'ed yet, but very close (though no grandfathered :\) my passion is achievement points on the twink, (though, that too, i'm not very good at).. i love playing my mage, and i can successfully theorycraft your @ss off, if, given the chance.

have a shaman & 85, two 80's waiting to be levelled, and alot of fail alts.. =)

also, i am very engaged in this whole twinking business, and i'm busy bitc*ing to GM's and on the official forums about various subjects of which i am unhappy. (like twinks who are unable to get guild rep to friendly, and the fact that we can't do premades any more =( )
Hey everyone, names Jim, 16 years old and love twinking =) I have a couple of different twinks, but focusing right now on my druid Kråtos on the Cairne realm. I've had the toon for a while, and just started resto, since Alliance is in such a desperate need for healers lol Almost BIS, need fishing hat, damn thing is very elusive with me for some reason, see you all in WSG
Hi so if you're reading this you should be a twinker.

Well my name is Imaworgen, and I'm doing a video project for my channel

This project is going to be a simple gear up process of a 19 Twink. I asking for your help in finding the BiS list for a 19 Warlock Worgen of course.

Currently I'm just trying to get the Worgen out of the zone, I have 30,000gold dedicated to making this Warlock the best. (Obviously thats over-kill).

Anyways I look forward to posting on these forums and getting to know the community better.

With that said if you're a 19 Twink Warlock or know of one a armory of one or yours would be nice.

Thanks xD.
hey guys, my real name is brian, i'm 19 years old and i currently live in canada going to cooking school on the east coast. i've recently just got back into wow. i decided to re-roll on burning legion with my old wow friends. i always get distracted by twinking. i used to have a 19 rogue on mannoroth, then i moved to alleria where i had a 29 ret pally (pizzeria) and a 39 elemental shaman. i've currently got a 19 hunter, and i'm working on finishing him off, and then i'm thinking about making a 19 rogue or paladin or something, i dunno yet.

add my realid if you like,
Hey guys, my name is steven im about to turn 25 i live in GA but im about to PCS to WA. im in the army and when i have free time away from that and my wife and kids i like to dabble in a little 19 non exp pvp action i got a tauren pally lvl 19 almost BiS'd but now quite. i play on Ravenholdt US so if you got some toons on that realm hit me up. Toon name is Buffaloseven
Hey is Shawn. Got bored easily with end game content and always wanted to make a twink. Since my main is a rogue I figured I would stick with it (cringes as he can see the flames coming). Play on Uldum which seems to be very Twink unfriendly but hey.....wouldn't have it any other way.
Valintyne said:
Hey is Shawn. Got bored easily with end game content and always wanted to make a twink. Since my main is a rogue I figured I would stick with it (cringes as he can see the flames coming). Play on Uldum which seems to be very Twink unfriendly but hey.....wouldn't have it any other way.

rogues are good. as long as you are good ;)
Evade said:
rogues are good. as long as you are good ;)

Seem to be able to hold my own so far ;) . Hunters annoy the hell out of me but I enjoy a good challenge. Anyone with enough determination to spend the time to Twink out a character and have the skill to use them well has my respect. Its a very under-rated aspect of the game but one which I seem to enjoy more than elitist raiding guild who don't seem to realize this is a game to be enjoyed.
Hello my name is Etienne, My name is French I am from South Africa and i live in New Zealand. I have been twinking for 3 years stoped for a little while when cata came out cause i wanted to see how end game was. Transfered to ruin didnt save my name back in bloodlust went back and my name was taken now my name is Earfroots. I mostly play my druid i love achievments i am at 2795 achieves atm and climbing. Cant wait for hunter nerfs and looking forward to playing with you guys :D. Yay for Secclusion!
Hello, my name is Niklas, i am pretty new to twinking, started it mainly because its twinks vs. twinks now. I play on The Sha'tar on my 19 and 60 priests.
Hey im Cloud, Master of the Sky. I play 19s and 70s. Played 19s since right at the very end of vanilla. Im the former GM of the 19 twink guild <Extinct> on Cenaruis - Alliance. Currently playing with <Use Splash Attack> on Elune - Alliance. I also que around on my Horde 19s as well. Possibly moving some.

Hope to see you guys out there! :3
Hey im Scrûb. I mainly play 19s but have a 39 twink Spriest for when they get pops ill start playing him. I play of Jubei'Thos and GM of a 19 twink guild. My 19 twink is a feral druid.

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