Interested in trying F2P

iight sweet! Cya in game :3
If you've ever used the internet in any type of social setting you'd be familiar with the personality conflicts that inevitably arise. Don't take any of that too seriously and you'll be fine.

As for P2P following F2P rules, they are certainly considered F2P. The advantage of using a free account is that it's free, and as mentioned, you can run yourself. You can also keep using it if you decide not to use your paid account for a while. The disadvantages are everything else. What would be a simple mail/AH solution becomes an epic pain in the ass as you level profs or camp limited supply vendors/chests/run multiple dungeons for something that would take you a few moments on a paid account. Now, if that sounds like fun, or you just enjoy the challenge, by all means go F2P. If you'd prefer an easier time of it while still following F2P rules, do it on your P2P, as well as the obvious group initiation and trade chat etc. etc.
I have an alliance prot/ret on aerie peak so if you need some help hit me up. DL the addons, and check my sig for my toon.
welcome mate, p2p that follow f2p restrictions i consider as a good thing in the community, mainly because they have the choice to go 24 and be a dick but refuse to do it and keep the bracket more balanced. I personally enjoy f2p the most because you are limited in a lot of things and basically have to build your whole twink on your own without the help of others.

On a sidenote: please ban Will, only heard whining and bitching from him and nobody likes him anyway
Feel the anxiety grow as you attempt to post anything on any topic because at any moment one of the chosen, brown-nosed few will burn you and the whole community will be against you.

Honestly, what type of reaction did you think you were going to get after your first comment was posted? Of course people are going to be against you when you post stuff like that.

Anyways, Welcome to the community. You'll have a great time!
Dude just focus on football your time is precious.

Haha I know man, but it is D2 so it's not full year, the most i have now is lifting and running. Once football starts up again i will for sure be on a LOT less, but thanks for the concern
Haha I know man, but it is D2 so it's not full year, the most i have now is lifting and running. Once football starts up again i will for sure be on a LOT less, but thanks for the concern

Easily the best part about f2p is that since you're not paying for it there is 0 pressure to log into your account when busy with more important real life things

Edit: almost forgot; Welcome, hope you enjoy it. :3
Cool thing about p2p though is you can never to get mad

Just make a 24 hunter and full BoA and enchants

but if you do this ^^ you will probably be assassinated
Welcome to Aerie Peak. If you ever need some help i can help you advice wise or ingame wise on both factions
Easily the best part about f2p is that since you're not paying for it there is 0 pressure to log into your account when busy with more important real life things

Edit: almost forgot; Welcome, hope you enjoy it. :3

Yeah good point F2P has a lot going for it but by far the #1 reason I'm loving it is that it doesn't allow me to obssess over playing as much as p2p, once you're geared you can kind of chill out and just play games when you want, i.e. its what I always wished WoW was instead of an endless grind.
Thanks everyone for the welcomes and overall acceptance into the community! Currently level 19, one more too go then i can focus on gearing, hope to be doing some pvp soon!

Also, since i am on p2p, i was thinking about maybe making a guild for all the p2p people on alliance, name it something like <Alliance Group Starters> just so people can recognize the people who can help them set up groups, if they dont already know them all. Just spitballing ideas while bored in class, let me know what everyone thinks.

So you all on the battlefields soon!


EDIT: apparently i thought board, was the correct usage at

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