Intellect vs. Agility Hunter

distort, if that warrior is hamstringing me, i wont get far before he comes back to me, even if i try to outsmart him ! not to mention that if that warrior is hamstringing me like mad, that means he knows how to play.

other then that i'm not a nelf, i'm horde at heart !

i'm not saying that intellect is bad... it has its purpose, but i wouldn't go full intellect and drop agi just cause of what it gives me... agility still gives you crit, it still gives you AP and it still gives you dodge and armor. while intellect only gives you AP and mana... for me the choice is evident, go AGI when you can, besides that take INT as a bonus !

but that is just me.
@ArthurianKnight - yes you have 100hp more than me, and what is ur ap? and ur mana pool?

@Everyone - A warrior cannot stealth and hunters have track humanoids at lvl 19, therefore how the hell did a warrior get in your melee range? The main benefit of int hunters is not the extra ap (the ap at best only makes up the dps lost in crits), it is the ability to kite melee classes almost endlessly.

Oh and also Aurthurian i am goin to go ahead and assume that u have a spare pair of boots with minor speed on them? perhaps this is why those pesky wars keep getting you ;P

EDIT: just noticed, how does that haste trinket go? improve your dps much?
Time_Ace said:
@Everyone - A warrior cannot stealth and hunters have track humanoids at lvl 19, therefore how the hell did a warrior get in your melee range?

Glyph of Charge :D
lol it appears i overlooked that, with that extra 5 yards that makes charge 30 yards right? hmm perhaps i should rethink my hunter spec for the extra range. A hunter should be aware of a warrior approaching anyway and try to hit him with pet to take him into combat, of course that will not always be possible. Regardless, I still stand by my belief that each gear set has its own situational use and no gearset is supreme by itself.
-The Enchants-

hands - 15+ agility

bracer - 9+ stamina

chest - 3/4 + stats or 50+ HP

Weapon - 22 + intellect or 25+ agility (prefer int, more mana for kiting etc....)

feet - stamina or minor speed

Of course you need some agility, but with some stabile HP and Mana you can survive long, when it comes to spec. you can deciede yourself too :>

But this is my opinion.
Time_Ace said:
@ArthurianKnight - yes you have 100hp more than me, and what is ur ap? and ur mana pool?

@Everyone - A warrior cannot stealth and hunters have track humanoids at lvl 19, therefore how the hell did a warrior get in your melee range? The main benefit of int hunters is not the extra ap (the ap at best only makes up the dps lost in crits), it is the ability to kite melee classes almost endlessly.

Oh and also Aurthurian i am goin to go ahead and assume that u have a spare pair of boots with minor speed on them? perhaps this is why those pesky wars keep getting you ;P

EDIT: just noticed, how does that haste trinket go? improve your dps much?

with aspect which switch more often then my weapons... i have like 200+ ap

as with the boots, nope, minor speed i never needed, i can take down people without needing it. but i will switch my stam on boots for more agility as i am above 1300 health and i dont need life that much... i am missing AGM and lucky fishing hat and i already have too much life, so you see where i am missing.

the trinket is fine, but i never took it for the haste it gives me, though 6 haste is like ridiculous considering it removes .03 seconds off my venomstrike but i must say that getting back 2% life every kill has gotten me farther when it comes to good old 5v1. still i think recombobulator keeps me alive more.

can i ask you guys a question...

since when do we need a fully operationnal twink to be expert ?

everyone who see my twink seems to think i suck at it cause i dont have AGM or lucky fishing hat while i have the rest. seriously get real people... skill > gears you know ! right now in my BGs AGM and lucky fishing hat are overkill and i'm not playing to be overkill !
I would say a little mix of both

treebark + TCS w/ 22int should be enough (you wont be missing much with careful aim)
When i play bg's or arenas it is often against other twinks (some good some noob), many of which have the minor speed increase. In arenas this is not a big deal, unless you are against someone seriously skilled it is usually pretty easy to get in range and blast away. In bgs however the minor speed increase can often mean life or death when flag carrying or running down a fc. Have you ever tried to take down a geared pally fc who has minor speed inc and points in guardians favor? Because of the almost inability to slow him, killing him without having speed inc yourself it is nearly impossible.

As for the trinket it sounds awesome I will have to get myself 1 or 2 of those, but wouldnt the haste be far better than recieving like 25 hp everytime you get a kill? I dunno i haven't tried it.

Edit: wow over 200 RAP with aspect of the hawk...

tell me how you achieved that at 19, cause i have over 250 RAP with AotH!
Time Ace, don't try to be smart with me, you're the one brgaging and thinking you are the shit. on the battlefield i'm quite sure you still die against not even near perfect twinks just like i do ! i was merely answering your question as you asked me how much i had, and i answered you over 200.

think what you will... but th ebest build is not just the best builds !

how often was builds considering weaks until you see some one owning with them ?

you either got 2 choices, you be the sheep and just follow everyone says thinking the best gears are those the supposedly best players play, or you go your own route and twink as you please and have more fun in thinking, yeah this is MY twink and nothing more !

by the way... don't act like 10RAP was better then me !

10RAP is what... 5 more damage !

i'd trade survival for that much damage anyday !


by the way, i'll throw you back your question...

how much crit do you have unbuffed ?

cause i probably crit a lot more then you do per BGs which still balances out my missing AP !

conclusion to me... it all depends on what you want the most...

intellect build = a lot of power but lack survival.

agility build = a bit less power, but a lot of survival !
I actually find I survive longer than the average hunter in WSG. I have around the same hp as most other hunters, but never go OOM, thus the only real threat to me is other hunters. If you go OOM you cannot kite, and if you can't kite, you die. Simple as that.

I do find rank 2 lifeblood helps a tad as well ;)
ArthurianKnight said:
Time Ace, don't try to be smart with me, you're the one brgaging and thinking you are the shit. on the battlefield i'm quite sure you still die against not even near perfect twinks just like i do ! i was merely answering your question as you asked me how much i had, and i answered you over 200.

*sigh* I wasn't bragging when i stated my stats in my first post, all i was attempting to do was backup my opions with some of my chars stats to show what a half finished twink can achieve when using the right gear/talents.

ArthurianKnight said:
think what you will... but th ebest build is not just the best builds !

how often was builds considering weaks until you see some one owning with them ?

you either got 2 choices, you be the sheep and just follow everyone says thinking the best gears are those the supposedly best players play, or you go your own route and twink as you please and have more fun in thinking, yeah this is MY twink and nothing more !

The best players all use specific gearsets and builds for a reason, and the very fact that they are called the "best players" by the majority means something right? Don't get me wrong, the majority is not always right and before i chose what gear to use on my hunter i got each gearset (ag/stam/int) and tested them out myself. All of the opinions i post are my own opinion not merely a collaboration of everyone else thinks.

ArthurianKnight said:
by the way... don't act like 10RAP was better then me !

10RAP is what... 5 more damage !

i'd trade survival for that much damage anyday !


by the way, i'll throw you back your question...

how much crit do you have unbuffed ?

cause i probably crit a lot more then you do per BGs which still balances out my missing AP !

ah 10 RAP? try 50 RAP, and yes your extra 3-4% crit probably makes up for the dps lost in ap no arguments there.

ArthurianKnight said:
conclusion to me... it all depends on what you want the most...

intellect build = a lot of power but lack survival.

agility build = a bit less power, but a lot of survival !

The agility means more survival only in a small arena/duel type environment where the battle will probably be over in a relatively short time. I guarantee that in a bg the extra int for slows/dmg means a whole lot more survivability that the dodge/armor.
I have to disagree with anyone who claims hawkeye is a waste.

1. WSG - 6 yards can mean the diff between catching that fc or slowing that rogue off your fc.

2. Hunter duels - if they aren't spec'd into it then don't do the standard stand-and-rotation duel. Kite them out of their range while using arcane shot, serpent, and auto/multi when possible. Can devastate a non-hawk hunter 1v1, especially if they aren't into conc at all. Their better damage means nothing if they can't fire off a shot.
conclusion to me... it all depends on what you want the most...

intellect build = a lot of power but lack survival.

agility build = a bit less power, but a lot of survival !

wtf. totally backwards.

WSG int is king to living.

If you are thinking the agi for surviving melee with dodge, why are melee even on you? Lrn2kite.
hunter vs hunter fights i win all the time !

its called SCARE BEAST !

even if i lose 1 second to cast it, it still gives me the advantage as his pet cannot trinket out of it, thus 10 whole second without pet is too much and they usually run away. unless there are multiple people with him, 1v1 against other hunters i win easily !

at one point i even meleed against one, i guess he just sucked though !


it is true that going OOM in the middle of a fight sucks, but aren't you suppose to grow back your mana before going into it ? even if my stats aren't that big i have more then enough mana to go at fights. of course i'm not the kind that goes for kills only, i play with people so having 1v1 is quite rare for me. i can say that agility has done a lot for me up to this point.

right now i have sacrificed life for more agility though... i've dropped mining to get skinning, i've gotten the fang pants, i've switched 12 dodge for 3 agi on my cloak. switched 7 stam on boot for 7 agi. i'm now under the 1200 mark by 3 life point which really bothers me. at this point i guess that getting more DPS would need me to go fetch that AGM and fishing hat while dropping engineering for herbalism ! it will be time for me to try my luck again.

for the 6 yard better going...

you do know that you can shoot off 60 yard distance.

so to try and shoot back the question to you... how come ya need that 6 yard more ?

dont answer that, its a rhethorical question noob !

learn to kite, yeah like you can kite 5 people at once with concussive shot and winclip without going melee ! so i'm telling you back the same dude, learn some skill !

having more intellect is helpfull, i've never doubted that, but for survival, and burst damage, AGILITY is just better. as for the intellect being the survival best or king as the noob said. sorry but i eat those intellect hunters for breakfast ! their steady damage is just not enough against my burst ! not to mention i know how to play and get rid of their pet right from the start. not by killing it, that'S a waste of time.


time ace: agility means more on arena, thats for sure, the burst damage is just better then steady damage... but i play BGs a lot mroe and seriously, my agility builds rivals more then all those int hunters i've seen. of course my character is missing two things so i've been holding back. otherwise i'd have to drop my life which is not so good of an idea. it is true that having intellect and mana in general helps. that'S not even an argument here. but considering that concusive shot is on a 30 second CD and wing clip is a melee type of CC... i think the mana itself is not sufficient to keep you alive, as you can't go faster then your CD to begin with.

just to see how you'd act...

you are in a BG you are kiting a warrior, he's half his life done, then a shaman comes in, heals the warrior and then puts totem down and rush for you. and in your back there is a pet rushing at you with a hunter just rezzed from their graveyards and coming at you from afar.

right now you have the shaman and warrior on your ass, and a hunter soon to be there...

how do you react to this ?

for my part i just do as much as i can, and then try to find friends to back me up cause i cannot go against all 3 at once with so few health. for the sake of this let's consider that all are knowing how to play and are not noobs with 500 health ok.
conc shot the warrior, use an earthbind totem macro that shoots arcane shot (OH HOW HELPFUL!) and run away....the shaman wont be able to slow u down for a good amount of if ur pet can cc, cc the warrior until he isnt in melee range and WC the f'in shammy...they cant catch you now! TADDAA! L2P Or better yet, conc the warrior, macro, cc on sham with pet then run like hell, they wont catch u....that is if you are smart enough to serpent sting from time to time to keep them in combat....There are MANY options to kiting various classes, especially melee, YOU JUST GOTTA USE THAT THING CALLED A BRAIN!!!!
lol couple of quick things, a hunters ranged attacks are normally 5 - 35 yards (+2-6 from talents) not 60. Also the cd on conc shot is 12 secs not 30.

Why do you talk as if scare beast is some unique spell that only ur hunter has? Altho i do not doubt that you eat int hunters, as i have already stated ag is better in hunter v hunter fights and if i see another geared hunter approaching i often (if i have time) switch to my ag set.

In regards to your question, if i'm kiting a war and see a possible healer approaching i immediately send my pet to the healer. In a wsg 99% of the time my pet is able to slow (usually hyena), while my pet is slowing the healer (as well as hitting him to slow his casts) i will be able to kite the warrior pretty easily. As niether of them should be able to hit me, i should easily be able to run if i feel i would not be able to cope with the incoming hunter/whatev else. Perhaps the hunter could run u down? not me with my minor speed inc lol.
auto shot = 60 yard distance

all other abilities = 5-30 yard distance

unless they changed it at one point, which i'm, not aware of, the regular shot a hunter can pull has a lot of range, which i do use to my advantage !

for the rest of the noobs tellimg me how to play and telling me to learn how to. i'd saay, you're a 100 years behind kids... start by understanding what it is to play a real hunter before even talking shit as if you were beast that never died a single time in a BG, cause i'm sure i'd still own all of you !

fair enough time ace... fair enough !

of course the healer goes down first, but you ignore the hunters pet and the fact that he is coming all together ? i do understand that the warrior usually should be easy pray but if you are kiting the shaman, then it is clear that the warriors gets in and simply hamstring you, which equal to you has a goner unless you did kill the shaman in like a few seconds without him reacting.

might be where we're different though... my pet is a cat, i'm far too gone to switch for another pet. the only other one i have is a boar for his charge ability. i preferer to boost my damage output more then trying to stop an opponent. usually that opponent has lost half his life while trying to come near me. but you know how it is, the alliance on my server are known for their team efforts while ours is completely non-existant. that said i'm usually focused on in a group. when they see me, they just focus fire on me and try to hit me before i kick their ass. i'm not the backing out type and unlike what people think of death, its actually a good thing. how else can i get back a full life bar and mana while hearthing back to our base to drop that FC that just got away ?

one last thing, you guys seem to think minor speed is what gives you the edge, but considering everyone has it, why would it be so much of an edge. i have never backed away from a fight and will never do.whatever the fight their minor speed is nothing to me. for they usually get slowed down thus rendering it useless. i always though minor speed to be th ebest enchant at level 19, untill i saw a friend of mine totally owning everybody in a BG without it. since then i realised how minor speed was overexagerated. it helps for sure, but its not what makes you kill to begin with ! and in a BG where everyone has it... is it really that helping, i say no.

i'd really like to compare the stats at the end of the BG to see who did better. its unfortunate that i am not in your battlegroup.

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