Input on my 29 resto druid


Hey guys,

I just wold like some input and other peoples suggestions on my 29 resto druid. whenever i do BGs im normally in the top 3 for healing, but i always want to try and improve. So if anyone knows other good 29 druid links or gear the I could get plz let me know. Hear is a armor link The World of Warcraft Armory

thanks for the help

P.S. I know I still need dead mans hand.
4 stats to chest >.>

Also, Imo, the leggings/Gloves/Belt should be +sp items, and if you feel you need the additional mana you should be using a +22int weapon to start fights with.
sup arsana....1 extra SP to weapon, 4 stats, a pvp trinket to swap out, engineering net o matic to swap out, dream gazer leggings (i think theyre called that) thats about it
You can also get seal of argas for another SP ring if you ever want to have more SP in a given situation, also I would take robes of arugal over beguiler, but that's just me personally. You can also snag up civinad robes, and arcane runed cuffs and toss 6 mp/5 on both of them and then get the gnomebot operating boots from gnomer for a regen set. I used to see quite a few droods run the regen set in the past. Just a few more options.
For your second ring, check out the BoE 'plains ring'. It is +8 stamina, +3 int

Ditch your belt, get The World of Warcraft Armory

Ditch your pants, get The World of Warcraft Armory

Get a pvp trinket, to help with survival and break out of CCs that prevent you from healing. I get seduced and feared away from flag carriers that I am healing - often you are the only healer in a BG so when you can't heal...there's no one to cover you when CC'ed. Getting out of CCs is critical for you and your teams survival.

^this. if you arena. if you're not stacking close to 2k, any half decent hunter will eat you. that is all.

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