US Infierno premading classic (h)


Looking for a few more key players for our A team. About Infierno, the guild was started on Kargath in the battle group vindication during Vanilla and did weekly premades against alliance teams such as The Chosen Few and Guild Punishment! A few of the original players are back along with other veterans. We are looking a dedicated Shaman, Mage, priest and FC. funding and runs provided. we are located on classic server Skeram on us East coast. Horde side. We currently are premading Monday’s with the possibility of weekends. If you have any Questions hit me up on here or in game.
Well i will be dammed! i was looking to see if people from infierno were still around! I played as sky ^-^. I just started a twink rogue again and was looking to see if any of the old crew was around, have u heard from moxie or lost? or any of the starter premade crew?.
Well i will be dammed! i was looking to see if people from infierno were still around! I played as sky ^-^. I just started a twink rogue again and was looking to see if any of the old crew was around, have u heard from moxie or lost? or any of the starter premade crew?.
Moxie is playing 19 priest with Infierno on Skeram
Looking for a few more key players for our A team. About Infierno, the guild was started on Kargath in the battle group vindication during Vanilla and did weekly premades against alliance teams such as The Chosen Few and Guild Punishment! A few of the original players are back along with other veterans. We are looking a dedicated Shaman, Mage, priest and FC. funding and runs provided. we are located on classic server Skeram on us East coast. Horde side. We currently are premading Monday’s with the possibility of weekends. If you have any Questions hit me up on here or in game.
I actually played on kargath from vanilla to end of cata. Had a 19 hunter, and tons of 29s. Small world.

True Twinkz on Sulfuras would be happy to play some practice games, offense/defense attacks, partial premades, etc. Duro#2596 on disc or Hof#1985 btag. Hit me up!
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your name seems familiar is the same as username here?
Çritz was my 19 hunter in retail, my classic twinks are Hashtagmood, Enlightening, Enlightened, Liable.... so to answer your question no, but i use duro in other games.

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