Johneffer said:
Ehh I mean, you deffinately are going to need a hybrid set with mana if you want to live longer and not go oom. 1v1 against any class as prot you should follow this rotation 1-1.2k hp>lifeblood>hammer o j> spam exo till hammer is done>avengers shield. I see that Eliot has 600 mana in his prot set
Correct me if I am wrong but this information seems ethical
1v1s mean nothing; if you're gearing specifically for a 1v1. Then of course your going to win that 1v1, since your gear is tailored towards winning Duels.
But you'll lack consistency in WSG. If you want to Exo Spam, roll Holy, stack cloth, and pretend your a Holy Priest mashing Smite; not that that works mind you.
Obviously if you spam Exorcism, in any set, you'll lose your mana in an instant. Therefore you shouldn't be spamming Exorcism, in any set. In WSG you shouldn't need to HoJ+Spam Exo, due to fears of Kick+other interupts. Exorcism spam isn't constructive teamplay. Play your spec properly, whacking shite in Melee Range.
This isn't a serious way of playing Prot, it's a fun, kinda different way to play a Spec. But you shouldn't tell people that's how to play Prot, because it isn't. You have your Prot set, Armor+Str stacked, while Hit Capped; and you have your fun, PuG Prot Caster setup, with mana enough to spam Exo when the time comes to it. They're completely different.
Dropping other vital stats, just for more healing + Exo spam, ISN'T what a PROTECTION Paladin is.