Inferno robe help?

WoWhead lies, you can get it at 17
Yesterday this idiot kept saying its been changed to 20.... etc etc. I told him wowhead was bugged, then he said he couldnt pick up the quest. I asked him if he did the wanted poster one, he said yes. Has anyone here tried doing it lately on any toons? (Im assuming the guy picked up the wrong quest)

@Eliot, great fuckin matches yesterday, will see you on again after servers are up hopefully.
Hey i was thinking of making a healing twink for WSG. mabye a priest or a shaman or a druid. is Inferno Robe the best chest item? and should i do +6 stats or 150hp? any advice appreciated. Thanks :D
It's pretty much amazing. No excuse now that we can turn off xp.

+6 stats > 150 health, but tbh I've been considering restore mana prime.
Tambii said:
Hey i was thinking of making a healing twink for WSG. mabye a priest or a shaman or a druid. is Inferno Robe the best chest item? and should i do +6 stats or 150hp? any advice appreciated. Thanks :D

yes - even at 29 it's better than the dreadmist.

+6 vs 150 hp is a personal choice - effectively you are trading in 90 hp for 90 mana ( , some spi and some agi armor ) if your hit points arent in the 1shot region I'd go for +6 as a healer, as the extra mana is effectivly extra health
@Eliot, great fuckin matches yesterday, will see you on again after servers are up hopefully.

Good matches for sure :)
Mamytwink said:
It ins't 90 HP vs 90 mana, but 90 HP vs 90 mana 6 spirit, 6 agility, 6 strenght.

6 all stats > 150 hp

well, I prefer 150hp for a warlock definitely, but for a healer, mana is key, so 6 stats for sure for a healer

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