Inevitabull, the Bloodthirsty (belated)

  • Thread starter xxHolylipzqtxoxotwinkerxx
  • Start date


Gah, didn't even notice that I got it yesterday but here's for more days to come, as a bloodthirsty! Sidni, I'm comin' home, toots! <3

I just about hit 20k!
It's not a true bloodthirsty twink. :(
Most of my kills are from Purj, even though I have like 10 twinks, the other 9 combined weren't as much as Purj's so I'm still a little far from Bloodthirsty. 25k or so to go
bloodthirsty is like the new of the horde of mop, not very many have it. everyone pretty much has the of the horde title now tho.
Congrats tink!

I wasn't expecting to get 'of the Horde' with the merging of account wide achievements, but I'm actually at about 140000 HKs total. I forgot about the billions of other twinks I had in other brackets too.
lol @ the wt junkies trying to discredit my achievement.

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