I see them a lot on both sides. Everytime I am on Alliance, horde got a few 24s.
Everytime I play my horde toon, Alliance got 24s.
I can see the skill cap for rogues increasing when MoP comes, since they lose alot of their core skills, but we'll see.
a) What does this have to do with 24s?
b) Losing core abilities such as Shadowstep significantly DECREASES the skill cap because you have less to work with. You essentially have less buttons/maneuvers to master/expoit.
You don't understand what a skillcap is.Skillcap doesn't mean "More buttons" it means working with what you have, kinda like warriors have had to since this bracket began, and still winning a fight in a fairly consistent manner.
It has everything to do with 24's, just more specifically 24 rogues.
Skillcap doesn't mean "More buttons" it means working with what you have, kinda like warriors have had to since this bracket began, and still winning a fight in a fairly consistent manner. even if you die at the end, due to a number of reasons, if a rogue nearly beats me when MoP hits I will really respect them, because they didn't give up and reroll. Rogues at 24 don't have barely anything but Gouge and something else I forgot, and they are losing sprint and vanish. 20's are losing sprint, gouge, shadowstep. but we are gaining some new stuff. So, long story short, again, it has EVERYTHING to do with 24's, more specifically 24 rogues.
Just because a class sucks doesn't mean it has a high skill cap. 99% of warrior game play atm is knowing when to spamming howl and when to burst. There's no focus intercept focus charges (although smeld extends the skill cap slightly), there's no Shield Bash to learn not to get faked, and there's no clutch heroic leaps. Warrior atm is a class with a low skill cap. On every class, theoretically, once you reach a certain point you can no longer improve. You have maxed out every ability you're given to work with and execute them perfectly in every situation. When you put these skill caps side by side, warriors have one of the more attainable ones (in fact at 20 I believe many of them are attainable). When rogues lose Shadowstep they lose a lot of their utility which is what makes the class complex and harder to "max out." I'm sure you can agree that it no having to worry about Shadowstep kicks and focus/mouseover gouges makes rogues easier to play. Less viable, but easier to play.
Perhaps it is the reduction of active, skilled f2p puggers.
They are in the dungeons trying to get DMF artifacts....
You don't understand what a skillcap is.
A lot of you don't understand wtf a skill cap and a skill floor means - Arena Junkies
Warriors have the lowest skillcap right now, hunters have the highest. But the hunter skill floor is probably the lowest. Read and learn.
Why did nobody tell me definitions of words are opinionated now?to form my own opinion on what a skill cap is
Why did nobody tell me definitions of words are opinionated now?