Many online games such as FPS games like Counter Strike use UDP to communicate with the server. UDP is a connectionless protocol which means no connection is established, but instead packets are sent back and forth and ASSUME the other side got them. In these types of games packet loss may be a bitch, but latency should be as good as your hardware and connection can handle.
In games such as World of Warcraft, the protocol being using is TCP, which requires each packet to be ACK'd, or in other words, every packet sent must get a reply from the reciever saying he successfully got the packet. Unfortunately, microsoft developed and configured the tcpip driver to have a low priority/speed on sending acks which in return makes downloads very fast, but the upload is awful.
Solution: wowAcker modifies a flag that tells the tcpip driver to speed up the ACKs and therefore improves the upload drastically. In theory, you should see about your latency improve about 2 times what it was before no matter how high or how low it was.