Inc FoTM


Re-Specced and geared boomy to feral. And damn it's good.

In a few weeks I imagine everyone will be rolling feral, ret, spriest and enh/ele shammys.

Just my opinion.
Glyph of savage roar people already have it if they glyphed before the patch, if not they will have to wait until wod. Other one can't be learn until lvl 50 I think.
Glyph of savage roar people already have it if they glyphed before the patch, if not they will have to wait until wod. Other one can't be learn until lvl 50 I think.

had both on beta, but beta is beta ey? gonna look into this a bit further
Re-Specced and geared boomy to feral. And damn it's good.

In a few weeks I imagine everyone will be rolling feral, ret, spriest and enh/ele shammys.

Just my opinion.
NAh some of us are not from 19/24s
Anyone have any idea how mage and hunter are faring? Those are my only 2 29s currently, but I intend on dragging my 24s up to 29 soon.

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