Inc a wave of new 60s!


Old School
There's currently 15 of us re-rolling 60s to play pve, and if theres alliance hopefully pvp. the guild was made today and we aim to be able to do a 40man consisting only of 60s.
Maybe this is the kick the bracket needs in its arse?
Might join you, my main realm, have a 60 Hunter I've started on Ally I could faction change but I might just reroll something for now if you're taking on more members
id roll alliance.

I wouldn't, 15 people is enough to clear the 40-man content with AND you could do PvP against alliance players, as MOST 60's are now alliance (including me).

I have spare 60's though so might transfer to you as well. What's your approach going to be, start with TBC gear and then go do AQ40?
Hello, i got a lvl 60 paly kinda twink on the server.. So would love to join you, the name of the char is Dïamond im online almost every day :) cya in game!
What have you got in mind exactly, when u wanna raid? Just thinking about if you are making a guild in like a few days.... And if you ofcourse could give a headsup, when u make it ^_^
How's this going??

I'm trying to put together 60 raids as well and it's tough going!

Also, I'm in the same Battlegroup - on Doomhammer Horde - can we raid together?


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