In need of a new bracket to try


Level 1 Hunter
Hello, I've been Twinking for quite some time now, I don't do anything competitive or try to get "known" in any community, but lately I've been in need of a new challenge, I need a new bracket of Twinking to try.

-Brackets I have done

Level 1 Twinking
Level 5 Twinking (LFH)
Level 10 Twinking
Level 19 Twinking
Level 60 Twinking
Level 70 Twinking

Please comment below what a fun bracket / challenge I should try out that isn't listed currently above ^^

Thank you
There is always the 20-29.
It offers three different "levels" of twinking. Level 20(with Trial restrictions), level 20 (no restrictions) and no restrictions period. As a subscriber you have the luxury of choosing any of the three. Myself I have only played level 20's( in that bracket) since 5.2 came out due to scaling. As a dedicated healer, the extra abilities are not deal breakers in my opinion.
Plus, as a level 20, if you keep an extra set of Trial restricted gear we have occasional Trial only events. Sometimes we have open world PvP battles. But only trial restricted geared toons are allowed. Level 20's have weekly premades, if that is your thing. Have weekly arena matches. Both of which some are Trial restricted some are not. I don't think that 21-29 offer any of this.
However, what leveling up to 29 does offer is a a little bit more gear choices. Some of this gear does not scale up in BGs. And 29's get a few extra abilities, usually one or two key ones. And they get one of each glyph slot.
Unrestricted 20's compete very well in Battlegrounds with level 29's. The only level 29's that really are a burden are the overpowered ones.

Why would anyone bother with 20-29?
Apart from consistency of pops, the bracket is a cesspool.
Don't know how long it's been since you played 19s, but it is far superior to any other bracket.
XD u can try 90-99 tho. I found it rather "fun". Only if u are horde.
Hello, I've been Twinking for quite some time now, I don't do anything competitive or try to get "known" in any community, but lately I've been in need of a new challenge, I need a new bracket of Twinking to try.

-Brackets I have done

Level 1 Twinking
Level 5 Twinking (LFH)
Level 10 Twinking
Level 19 Twinking
Level 60 Twinking
Level 70 Twinking

Please comment below what a fun bracket / challenge I should try out that isn't listed currently above ^^

Thank you

20-29 :>
or 99s
Is there 50 raiding guilds?


If you want to talk about 50 twinking, I think I am the right person for you. Lvl 50 twinking is my main bracket and thing in wow. besides I am an ex 49 twink and I am also into 51 twinking. My battle tag is Andrakla#2568.

I suggest to look on our forums 50-59 Bracket first. If you are playing on US then this is the thread and guild for you:

In case you play on EU, I can help you to get a guild invite to one of the 3 lvl 50 guilds we have at the moment. on either Outland, Draenor or Ravencrest. All alliance. (originates from gnomes being the only race, through engineering to be able to obtain a bis trinket, which made them superior for raiding). So yeah the lvl 50 concept originates in raiding, since some expansions ago, the attunements for the old lvl 60 classic raids were removed and made it possible as the minimum lvl of lvl 50 to enter all the old lvl 60 classic raids. (BWL being a bit more difficult than usually since the old ubrs got removed and the orb seems to have a hidden lvl requirement of lvl 60, the orb which now teleports you there) but that can probably be bypassed with a warlock or something.

So well, for now we haven't arranged raids for quiet a while, it has been a bit quiet for the past 1-2 months on the lvl 50 scene, partly due to that fact that many of us started studying again, and perhaps my laziness too and lack of people. In august (this year) we did do some full AQ10 runs however, where we cleared. And also several arenas, and even WSG wargames, only with lvl 50s xp-off.

I eventually got bored to constantly recruit and fund etc. But you are welcome to create your own lvl 50 twink whereever fits you and add my btag. The more we are the better, and sometimes we do an impulsive raid or arenas if we suddenly are 7-8 online simultenously on battle net.

My goal is to have at least somewhere around at least 10+ very active 50 twinks before having weekly raids and bg events. As it is isn't fun to have to cancel events week after week because the lack of people.

So I am warning you , lvl 50 bracket is not, currently, the twink bracket you go to if you expect and want a lot of activity and twink around you all the time for the moment. Then 29 and 19 are a better bet obviously or even the 99, 60, 70.

But hey every bracket started somewhere, but the difference is that the 50 bracket was suddenly created by a few people, it wasn't there naturally like the 60 bracket, which has basically been there since the dawn of wow.

If you are on one of the mentioned servers, I can however, of course help the best I can do.
I hope my post wasn't too long and boring.

Kind regards,

The eu guilds that im in charge of:
Fifty Vanilla Raiding @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
Fifty Times a Night @ Outland - Community - World of Warcraft
Fifty @ Ravencrest - Community - World of Warcraft

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