In-depth Level Seventy Hunter Guide (MM PvP)


In-Depth Level Seventy Hunter Guide(MM PvP)


First of all I'm going to apologies for all the spelling mistakes and the punctuation errors your about to see, however if you want to play level seventy priest and get better then hopefully this will help you!

I'm going to break this into a few main sections to basicly make this easier for you to read and easier for me to write the sections will be as followed:
  • Introduction
  • Gear
  • Macros
  • UI Set Up (+Addons)
  • Talents + Glyphs
  • Class mecaniques
  • Viable arena comp



This is just going to be a short introduction into the class of hunter as I know it a level seventy, it is one of the most underpowered classes at level seventy if not the most underpowered and any one that does not agree with this is either blind or stupid. It is underpowered due to it has not many defensive abilitys, you do not get Deterrence at level seventy which is a hunters main defensive ability. Not only is this a major flaw in the hunter class at level seventy but also the fact that its core damage can be so easily countered by things such as LoS and just mages generally hugging you while still being able to pull off vast amounts of damage. Although my self I do not know very good level seventy hunters so if you are thinking about playing the class at level seventy and you practice, you can make a huge impact and really stand out from the crowd and if thats what you want to do hunter is the class for you.

WARNING: Do not level a hunter or play one at seventy if your going to rage alot at things such as 'OMG MAGES SO OP OMG ONE SHATTER AND I'M DEAD' or 'ROGUES JUST SITTING ON ME OMG.'



Your main stats in order of importance:

Hit Cap > Around 60 spell pen > Agility > Haste > Resi

Hit Cap:

Hit cap is your most important stat because if you are missing all your shots or you miss a scatter shot that could of made a kill on that target your not going to feel too good esp when you almost beat that mage thats being taunting you in duator for the past hour right? I'm sure you want to beat him to rub it in his face so heres how you can get your self hit cap: To start with you will need two peices of brutal for the set bonus of 35 resi, its best to get the chest because it gives you 16 hit. As well as this you should get the two set bonus from the T6 and you should use Gronnstalker's boots to get this because of the 14 hit rating they supply you with, your other peice of t6 should be the belt because of the 24 hit they supply you with. As well as this you should get the stalker legs which supply you with 20 hit rating, with all these peices this should just around get you to hit cap.

Spell Pen:

This guide must be wrong I'm a hunter why would I need spell pen lol?

Although this question might be on your mind for alot of new hunters but things such as silence shot and arcane shot also count as spells so they need that spell pen so that silence shot that could make a kill or save your life doesn't resist and leave you dead on the ground. You don't need to get alot of spell pen, I would advise getting the cloak enchant of 35 spell pen and one gem of 25 spell pen which will bring you to 60 and that should be fine for a hunter at level seventy tbh.


Right agility is your main stat and you should be getting as much of it where ever you can I would advise that you get stack agility in every socket of your gear apart from that one spell pen gem ofc. This is because agility supplys you with attack power which gives you more damage, as well as this it also supplys you with crit which allows you to hit harder with them instance aim shots if you survive that long ofc. Agility also scales with some of your crit talents (explained later on under talents) and allows you to get more crits off and pull out alot more damage to acutally try beat hard teams such as mages. This is your BEST stat apart from ofc the general hit cap and spell pen cap.


Again I'm a hunter I don't cast spells why the hell would I need haste?

To new hunters this might also be what your thinking but haste gives you faster shots and this is so needed esp at level seventy, the games are so quick that with out you being able to pull out damage fast your going to die. Haste also scales with rapid fire and some of your talents (explained in the talent section later on) so it will allow you to pop rapid fire and then be hitting them steady shots like a total king untill you get your instant aim shot and really start timing the burst. Haste is generally something you get from gear and is not something you should acutally stack or gem for I've just put it here so if you get haste on a peice of gear you don't think omg I don't need that.


Much like when playing a healer you need resi to be able to survive a mages shatter or a tazik shock, you only need around 220 resi and that will give you at 16% damage reduction although thats not alot you can't really afford to get more otherwise you wouldn't acutally put out enough damage to even get a kill.

Right thanks for explaining stats but what gear do I acutally buy?

Ok so you have just hit level seventy on your hunter and you want to know what gear you should be looking for when you take down that raid boss or get honour from your first BG win of the day? You may call this lazy but for this part I'm going to link you a BiS hunter which you can base your gear around or try get his exact gear (some of it not currently able to get though).


Meet Eso - Your BiS hunter friend and he is kindly allowing us use of his armory so we can base all our gear around it! Great right? I'm sorry for being lazy on this part but I'm going to spend another 2-3 hours on the other sections so please do not hate me too much



#showtooltip Aimed Shot

/use !Aspect of the Hawk

/use Aimed Shot

This macro ensures you got Aspect of the hawk on before Aimed shot to make sure you get the most out of the shot and don't leave any other aspect on by mistake.

#showtooltip Kill Command




/use !Aspect of the Hawk

/use Kill Command

This macro stops casting, puts on Aspect of the hawk and uses Kill command its useful when trying to finish someone and your around LoS but your pet is still on him.

#showtooltip Concussive Shot




/use Concussive Shot

This macro stops casting and allows the use of Concussive shot, very useful if your casting for example a steady and the rogue is running at you and you need to slow him.

#showtooltip DIsengage




/use DIsengage

This stops casting and casts disengage very useful for stoping your current cast e.g. steady and then flying away into africa.

#showtooltip Feign Death




/use Feign Death

This stops casting and casts Feign Death - VERY useful for seeing an incoming frostbolt 'OH NO, NO SILENCE SHOT' then just tap this macro and booms away.

#showtooltip Flare




/use flare

Casting steady shot, and oh wait the rogues vanished - tap the macro and flare him out.

#showtooltip Silencing Shot




/use [target=focus]Silencing SHot

Focus Silence shot macro, stops casting and then silences your focus target.

#showtooltip Web

/use [target=focus] Bad Manner

/use [target=focus] Web

/use [target=focus] Snatch

/use [target=focus] Clench

All in one pet macro for what ever pet you got, uses the pet ability on the focus target (edit your pet abilitys in if your using a different pet)

#showtooltip Tranquilizing Shot




/use [target=focus] Tranquilizing Shot

Useful for dispelling enrage effects such as Unholy deathknights one - if these are around at level seventy?

#showtooltip Scatter Shot




/use [target=focus] Scatter Shot

Focus Scatter shot - ofc this is very useful for keeping your focus target ccd.

#showtooltip Scare Beast

/cast [target=focus] Scare Beast

Fear them druids and shamans in ghost wolf! I don't see this being done enough at 70, lets face it most ferals are bad (sorry if your not, just the major amount seem bad at 70) so if they see you casting this they will prolly lol to there friend on skype 'LOL scarebeast what a noob' and be totally unware that its about to fear them.

#showtooltip Hunter's mark

/cast [target=mouseover, exists] hunter's mark; hunter's mark

This macro allows you to Hunter's mark your mouse over target, or your target if you do not have a mouse over - Good for keeping the mark up on rogues.

#showtooltip Scare Beast

/cast [target=mouseover] Scare Beast

Useful in 3v3 - Not got feral on focus then allow the use of this! mouse over that feral and booms away hes feared.

#showtooltip Blood Fury

/use Blood Fury

/use Vicious Gladiator's Badge of Conquest

/use Ruthless Gladiator's Badge of Conquest

I just linked this from my hunter - Basicly a burst macro for trinkets and anything else you might have - Edit it with your trinkets or whatever if you have any.



Keep your pet near you and attacking when needed but make sure hes not dieing so tap this macro when resetting or hes getting focused behind a piller.

/Cast Steadyshot


Keeps your pet attacking your target - Even if your not casting steadyshot just tap the macro while casting for example aim shot and your pet will attack.

Thats pretty much everything I use and I think is needed at level seventy.


UI Set up (+Addons)

Ok a list of addons that I think you should get if you want to play arena properly:



Lose Control

Interupt Bar - Allows you to call out interupts that have been used for your team.

Here is a screenshot of my hunters UI:

Your notice that my UI is clean and easy to see - I have the hp of my team bigger so I know when they need peels and I have interupt bar easily visable so I can easily track when the enemys interupts are available.

It is your UI do what you like - Just make sure you can see everything and that its not too messy because otherwise your not going to be able to play the way you want to be able to play and your going to make alot of mistakes.


Talents + Glyphs


First Tree:

Go for the throat - I would put three talent point in this because the auto crit chance is quite high at level 70 and the 10 focus is really really useful.

Efficieny - Reduces the focus of your shots, which is always good because it means you won't be focus starved as much. You should get 3 points in this talent.

Rapid Killing - This is not needed for arena however you need to put one point in it later on to unlock the next tree so just chuck a point in it, and It can help you when bging with the same spec for fun.

Second Tree:

Sic 'Em! - Ok this is a talent that allows the base cost of your pets next attack focus to be reduced by 100% for 12 seconds, this is very usful at level 70 because most hunters are running with around 50% crit or just under. This means that your steady shot will crit alot and this talent will really come into use, it also has no 'cannot happen more than once every 30 seconds' which makes this talent great. - Put two points here.

Improved Steady Shot - This increased your ranged attack speed by 15% and stacks with haste and rapid fire, after using steady shot twice in a row - an awesome talent and you should put three points here so you can get the max benefit from this talent.

Careful Aim - Increases the crit chance of your steady and aim at seventy by 60% when the target is above 90% hp - this is a 100% crit chance, now its really good at level eighty five due to the opener with camo is in most cases a big aim shot crit. However at seventy you cannot open with a aim shot so heres a situation where you can use this: You get the instant aim shot from the 5 steady shot procs (a talent later on down the tree) and you can then switch to a rogue with a instant aim shot crit for around 7k, followed by a instant Chimera shot and a silence on the priest = dead rogue?

Third Tree:

Silencing Shot - A really useful talent for obv reasons such as it silences the target!

Concussive Barrage - The daze effect is really NOT needed because you can pretty much keep concussive shot up on the target 100% of the time so this is a waste of two talent points. - Do NOT spec into this.

Piecing Shots - This adds extra damage when you crit and as criting is so high at level seventy with 50% crit chance and 110% crit chance above 90% hp this is procing alot and is worth the three talent points.

Fourth Tree:

Bombardment - This is a good talent because if you use multi shot and it crits and as stated before the high crit chance it most likly will, you get another multi shot for half the cost which is very useful.

Trueshot Aura - Gives you a nice attack power boost and an undispellable buff - Take this talent.

Termination - This gives an extra 6 focus per steady when the target is below 25% hp, it is useful because you get more focus back allowing you to do more damage and not be focused starved when going for that kill.

Resistance of Fultile - Basicly a PvE spell and even then its bad - not much to explain but do not take it, its just a bad talent overall.

Fifth Tree:

Rapid Recuperation - This is a needed talent and take two talent points into this because it basicly gives you 12 focus back every 3 seconds while rapid fire is up and allows you to burst more with out going focus starved during the duration. Its also good for RBG/BG because if you spec into rapid killing you kill a target and get 50% focus back which allows you to move straight back onto your next target with out wasting time on waiting for focus.

Master Marksmen - This is needed when you steady it gives you a 60% chance to get a stack, after 5 stacks you get an instant aim - its good for the crit switch I said early and generally to do alot of instant damage followed by a chim. 3 points here.

Readiness - This resets all your hunter cds so if you need to get a kill you can tap this and it will reset your rapid fire for more damage and the 12 focus back every 3 seconds, or scatter to just stop a heal and same with silence shot / disengage if you disengage and the rogue shadowsteps. Pop rapid fire and just do it again to get range for the damage. Take this.

Sixth Tree:

Posthaste - Reduces cooldown of rapid fire which is needed as its your main burst and gives you 30% increase moment speed after using disengage which allows you to sprint away from them rogues - take 2 points here.

Marked for Death - This is kind of useless at seventy if you ask me, although its undispellable with this up you cannot see them in stealth so whats the point anyway? Just keep hunter's mark refreshed.

Final tree:

Chimera Shot - Awesome instant damage, good for lining up burst before or after an instant aim shot.

What your talents should look like afterwards: http://www.wowhead.c...nt#cZfRGoGRMubo

Ok this section is finished, and I've listened to three reckful videos in time of doing it which is one hour and my hand feels like it is about to fall off


Class mecaniques

Right as said in my last guide this is hard to explain through typing but I'll do my best:

Tips and Tricks:

Scatter shot > Freezing trap - CC the target for longer.

Get instant aim > Pop Rapid Fire >Switch to a target above 90% > Instant Aim > Chimeria Shot > Silence that target or healer > Arcane shot > Scatter other target after silence > Finish your target.

Scatter > Trap when someone is on low hp > Instant reset cds > they trinket to heal / peel > scatter again > trap (4 second trap, but should get a kill on a low hp target.)

General Information:

Your class is weak at this level play defensive and make sure you go offensive at the right times, get some general arena awareness and make sure you are aware when to peel or cc the target so you can make a kill.

Biggest Tip: Line of Sight - Do not just go in the open and nuke, my mains are healers and from a healers point of view its harder to dodge cc while keeping a hunter up that has no real defensives and is just stood in the open getting shat on.

I will release videos of more indepth stuff for class mecaniques at:

Please subscribe!


Viable Comps:


Disc Priest / Hunter.

Resto Shaman / Hunter.

Resto Druid / Hunter.

Holy Paladin / Hunter.


Healer/hunter/rogue - Rogue has huge peels and damage.

Healer/hunter/Mage - Mage has huge peels and damage.

Healer/Hunter/Feral - Feral has huge damage, just zerg something FAST!.

Thats really it for hunters if you want to aim high - You can run any comp with friends etc but its not going to be 'strong' but get high and prove me wrong!


I would like to thank you for reading this guide, I spent around 4 hours on producing this information for you and hoping that you can get better at hunter from it!

If you would like to give me any sort of feedback to bad / good points please do so and post below - If you want to thank me or help in anyway for producing this guide please subscribe to:

Thank you and thank you for reading!

Also request sticky so we can get some more decent seventy hunters!
/cast Wing Clip

/cast Disengage

They do not share a cd, that macro has saved me numerous times at 85.

I may level a hunter to 70 just to see how its balanced. I thought hunters were pretty nerfed, until I went up against a good one from Illidan US, that guy was impossible to kill.

Much better format this time, I didn't think it required any fixing on my part. However you might want to proofread your guides before posting to catch any spelling errors.

Also, I find Ice HUD and Power Auras especially good at letting me know whats up when it comes to pvp'ing on my hunter. Let's me know if SS is applied to target and the cd on most of my abilities.
Or copy and paste my formatted version of your priest guide into the OP XD
Good job seablue!

I prefer using a bit more resi tho, 30%+, to avoid getting blown up too fast

Hey Khrysos - Your the only actually good hunter I know in europe at the moment, was looking for your armory earlier but couldn't spell your name hehe
and thanks mate.
Good job seablue!

I prefer using a bit more resi tho, 30%+, to avoid getting blown up too fast

Eh, all situational, 15-20% Works fine for most battlegrounds, whereas 30% + Works better for arena, unless you have a disc priest packin' cooldowns, and are aiming for quick games, pop on 15% resil gear, priest cd's you, charge in, blow 'em up. makes for quick games, and works rather well.

Oh, and fantastic job on the Guide, keep it up!

Edit; just noticed my armory. /blush
Eh, all situational, 15-20% Works fine for most battlegrounds, whereas 30% + Works better for arena, unless you have a disc priest packin' cooldowns, and are aiming for quick games, pop on 15% resil gear, priest cd's you, charge in, blow 'em up. makes for quick games, and works rather well.

Oh, and fantastic job on the Guide, keep it up!

Edit; just noticed my armory. /blush

and thanks mate - Going to do a warlock guide next
Looks good but ide add /use !flare to the flare macro and also


/use [@focus,pet] growl

/use trap launcher

the growl will eat any grounding totems or spell reflects that can affect traps. its at focus because the shamman is usualy the focus so the grounding will be near him, you can remove it if you want.

in 3s also i played with abou double the ressi you suggested and stil got almost jibbed in a deep with RoS up
Looks good but ide add /use !flare to the flare macro and also


/use [@focus,pet] growl

/use trap launcher

the growl will eat any grounding totems or spell reflects that can affect traps. its at focus because the shamman is usualy the focus so the grounding will be near him, you can remove it if you want.

in 3s also i played with abou double the ressi you suggested and stil got almost jibbed in a deep with RoS up

Yep, Trying 3s earlier and came up Vs a Fmage/Sub/disc, Mage fired a 1 sec (Give or take) frostbolt, Lance, and a tazik. 30% resil, Pet was feared, so no RoS. hit me for a couple thousand overkill.

I'd kill to get deterrence back.
Yep, Trying 3s earlier and came up Vs a Fmage/Sub/disc, Mage fired a 1 sec (Give or take) frostbolt, Lance, and a tazik. 30% resil, Pet was feared, so no RoS. hit me for a couple thousand overkill.

I'd kill to get deterrence back.

I really hope to see Blizzard introducing Deterrence back at lvl 70.
I really hope to see Blizzard introducing Deterrence back at lvl 70.

Over the top damage, yep, fine, they're trying to make Frost viable for pve, etc. But looking at warriors, as with several other melee classes, they've got a tiny, piddly chance of managing to kill one, As i see it, being completely unable to kill something just due to class V class advantages/disadvantages is just stupid.

And yeah, Deterrence and/or Master's call would be amazing, maybe they'll move abilities around in MoP., They've already said you learn 'baseline' abilitys depending on your spec. I cannot find the original post, lack of caffine in bloodstream, But went something like; A protection paladin will learn Hammer of the righteous passively at level 20 (Protection only) And exorcism at level 22 (All talent specializations) Or somthing like that, maybe they'll move abilities 'down'.
Over the top damage, yep, fine, they're trying to make Frost viable for pve, etc. But looking at warriors, as with several other melee classes, they've got a tiny, piddly chance of managing to kill one, As i see it, being completely unable to kill something just due to class V class advantages/disadvantages is just stupid.

And yeah, Deterrence and/or Master's call would be amazing, maybe they'll move abilities around in MoP., They've already said you learn 'baseline' abilitys depending on your spec. I cannot find the original post, lack of caffine in bloodstream, But went something like; A protection paladin will learn Hammer of the righteous passively at level 20 (Protection only) And exorcism at level 22 (All talent specializations) Or somthing like that, maybe they'll move abilities 'down'.

Well as you can see from here the lvl 45 Evasiveness seems to be a " small " Deterrence !
Well as you can see from here the lvl 45 Evasiveness seems to be a " small " Deterrence !

But then i cant go survival, pick up mirrored blades and watch as wizards with tazik/synapse onehit themselves, then get called a 1 button class by mages/rogues/priests on the forum. Noooo

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