Improve the Bracket


This is a brainstorm thread for improving the bracket from a F2P or restricted perspective.

Do; share your ideas, obvious or theoretical.

Do; contribute constructive feedback.

Do not; troll or flame.

Do not; use this thread as a source of entertainment.

Do not; push a moral or ethical agenda.

Let's see what we're made of.
-Every f2ps should play on the same server. A divided community is never a good thing.
-More community events, to bring the people together.
3s tourney? there was a lot of interest the last time we had one going. might be good thing to do during the summer
How to even approach this......this f2p is pathetic low lvl pvp with 3-5 button fights and is hard to master?.....

God forbid anything harder than that...

My only thoughts are to guide ppl to TI and suggest they read guides on gear/game/class mechanics....

Here i'll start : ''personas leer guias en twinkinfo'' ( if someone knows better than google translate, go fot it ! )
For start disable the lie that is a "Role check indicator".
The game could do this right from the get go and the fact that ppl rly believe they have a "choice" of what they wanna play is completely absurd.
Stop AFKing or make deserter buff account wide like it used to be. This ruins the game for everyone. Except YOU. Think about someone else for a change.

For start disable the lie that is a "Role check indicator".
The game could do this right from the get go and the fact that ppl rly believe they have a "choice" of what they wanna play is completely absurd.

That change is coming in 6.0. And many many people are not going to like it. Much crying and whining in the future I see.
Stop AFKing or make deserter buff account wide like it used to be. This ruins the game for everyone. Except YOU. Think about someone else for a change.


Agreed. Also, players should not be able to enter BGs with ress sickness...
remove 24's, bracket fixed.

Typical inflammatory response. Remove the people I don't like :rolleyes:.

Here is what i would try:

Normalize gear and enchants.

No more than two of the same specs per bg.

No more than Two man grps.

No honor for HKs.

(Long Shot) A CR system. You would only get in BGs within a set margin of your own CR.
Make trials a pve only feature.
Maybe we could have ze real twink brackets back?
Not hating on f2p or p2p, but 19s were funnier and more balanced in my eyes

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