EU+US Important: Not being able to join the new AV

I don't know about EU but Alliance AV has been awful like solid losses.
For now i got 3 battles on ally side: 2 wins and one loose. And for all of them i joined when horde was already in our base. The two wins were extremely impressive twists :D
more to come, but yeah, the patch came around 1am in EU, can't tell more about the winrate, that's not the time where most people are active
better be nice or blizz might take your christmas away too!


Kinda reminded me of this scene

9k rep till exalted with all 3 for the tittle on my druid, #hooray
I love this and hate this at the same-time.

I don't know about EU but Alliance AV has been awful like solid losses.
In the middle of losing this one, have my toons parked for HKS xD
and here is a ss of soloing the wing commander with my rog(slow, run, stun, vendetta combined with evas and repeat)


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Kinda reminded me of this scene
lol this is exactly what i was thinking of.

9k rep till exalted with all 3 for the tittle on my druid, #hooray
In the middle of losing this one, have my toons parked for HKS xD
and here is a ss of soloing the wing commander with my rog(slow, run, stun, vendetta combined with evas and repeat)
fixed means everyone can q for the event? id love to try my legion 110’s in AV.
lol this is exactly what i was thinking of.
fixed means everyone can q for the event? id love to try my legion 110’s in AV.
Yes :). I'd have to test it on my pure f2p acc but i think everyone should be.
Just have won AV with alliance.
I'm little bit shocked it worked.
We have killed Drek'thar.
Burning Legion EU

When you are 20 and get 60 for AV you are still so weak according to 120 lvls :D
Just have won AV with alliance.
I'm little bit shocked it worked.
We have killed Drek'thar.
Burning Legion EU

When you are 20 and get 60 for AV you are still so weak according to 120 lvls :D

Won twice in ten games already... not to burst your bubble, but it does happen. It's a matter of organization, more than party level.

What was nice about the last game I won today, is I personally (F2P druid) carried the marching orders from Stormpike down to the Special Forces team, and it completely turned the tide of the battle in our favor. We won about 20 minutes after that, with the special forces keeping the Horde out of Frostwolf. Don't underestimate the effect of one F2P.
I’m still to get that elusive win on Ally. Also, is it possible for Ally to kill that mob for the quest that awards the purple items?
Ally struggling on my Timezone :(
Well, horde is always on point first, but there is a 2 minutes timer before the mob spawns in mid. If your team is motivated enough (aka without 10 people afk in mines / doing rams) you push horde easily from the point, and *might* get a tag on the mob. But not easy :/
I’m still to get that elusive win on Ally. Also, is it possible for Ally to kill that mob for the quest that awards the purple items?
Ally struggling on my Timezone :(
Or go to Zul'Drak amphitheater and kill Korrak there. Then que into the BG and turn in the quest for easy reward. Did it on my level 10 yesterday.
Or go to Zul'Drak amphitheater and kill Korrak there. Then que into the BG and turn in the quest for easy reward. Did it on my level 10 yesterday.

Wait what now?
Won twice in ten games already... not to burst your bubble, but it does happen. It's a matter of organization, more than party level.

What was nice about the last game I won today, is I personally (F2P druid) carried the marching orders from Stormpike down to the Special Forces team, and it completely turned the tide of the battle in our favor. We won about 20 minutes after that, with the special forces keeping the Horde out of Frostwolf. Don't underestimate the effect of one F2P.
It is quite possible. I had probably the most fun game of AV ever yesterday were everyone was playing the objective. However, most games I've been in have been a complete mess, half the team will be farming and the other half will be at each other's throats.

Level doesn't seem to matter much. It's mostly dependent on class/spec. If you're a melee dps, you're going to have a miserable time in big team fights (though, I've only played ret). Range dps might be a lot of fun. There are a few things that are really OP, warriors Mortal Strike, monk's Touch of Death both oneshot me. Azurite traits also seem really really strong.
Or go to Zul'Drak amphitheater and kill Korrak there. Then que into the BG and turn in the quest for easy reward. Did it on my level 10 yesterday.
That's hilarious. That actually works?

If you're on the rep grind, you will eventually get it. But it would be nice to have a go to way for people to get it.
Or go to Zul'Drak amphitheater and kill Korrak there. Then que into the BG and turn in the quest for easy reward. Did it on my level 10 yesterday.

I want to know more about this. How did you accomplish this on a 10?
I want to know more about this. How did you accomplish this on a 10?
I qued into the BG, got the quest and left. Flew to Dalaran in northrend, ran to the amphitheater. There were horde and ally already there doing the same quest. I tagged the mob and wait for one of the 120s to kill it. Then que back into the BG and turned in quest for blue weapon.
I qued into the BG, got the quest and left. Flew to Dalaran in northrend, ran to the amphitheater. There were horde and ally already there doing the same quest. I tagged the mob and wait for one of the 120s to kill it. Then que back into the BG and turned in quest for blue weapon.

Great, thanks! I didn't know that you didn't have to be in group to get credit for the kill. I'm totally trying this tonight!

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