Immediate Reactions When You First Entered a BG After the Patch

Exorcism is so OP with all the other ret damage included.

Conflag buff is putting destro locks back up on the charts.
first few games were fun

then i encountered a ret paladin. exorcism is making me want to play 19s only.
I was ok on my lock as destro against ret pallies (As long as nether protection popped ftw!)
yay for necessary-to-talent-into rng procs to combat baseline skills?

Wish it wasn't necessary, but unfortunately with the burst rets can put out, I need it lol.

Seriously, exorcism doing that much damage in 49s was unnecessary for ret paladins. You can say I'm QQing, but I have a ret, and the burst I put out is just unfair.
Well, I specced back into Prot because I really like it... despite the new candy from Arms. First thing I noticed was that my damage dropped, I was doing significantly less damage than before the patch, highest crits were ~1K when I could reach as high as 1.7K before with lots of debuffs and ~1.4K without. Average non-crits seemed to be around 400-600 when I used to see 800 pop up regularly.

I'm really thrown off by that, and I don't know what to make of it. My health is where I expected it to be and I have no problem with that... but it feels like I got a stealth damage nerf. Maybe I'll be moving to Arms after all... but I'd like to snoop around and figure out what the hell is up first.
I haven't entered and am probably not even going to bother on either my enh shaman or my lock. I canceled the account and as soon as I'm unbanned on the warcraft forums tomorrow, I expect another ban for telling them where to shove their disgusting changes.

Those people truly have no clue if they think this garbage is going to "balance" out lower level brackets. And there still isn't a word about any of this in the patch notes, nor a single response to any of the 1000s of twink threads... which is what infuriates me most. Arrogant sons of b1tches. Bah, I'm done with that game.
Well, I'm killin' some low level elite over and over, checkin' my damage. I can still get non-crits as high as 800, but that seems to be when I have Crusader procced. I've also seen hits as low as the mid 400s, white swings and HS not counted (those were always lower). Damage feels lower still, but maybe I was only noticing the big flashy numbers before.

I'll have to be honest, I'd never really payed super close attention to my damage numbers before... so I'm quite willing to believe I'm working with a skewed memory here. If anybody else is playin' a Prot Warrior (any bracket) and have noticed lower damage, lemme know that I ain't crazy. Otherwise... well maybe I'm just crazy. :p
A'ight, I'm just crazy. Walked up to the mob I've been working and saw these numbers in a row.

Shield Slam -> 1.1K

Revenge -> 1K

C. Blow -> 1K

I think I've just got a biased memory. :p


The above is regarding my thoughts that Prot Damage might have been nerfed somehow. Did some testing, found out I was wrong, deleted the posts. False alarm. :p


So, moving past my "Onyxia Deep Breathes Moar" moment, I only PvPd briefly before instanced content got borked. But things felt a lil' more even overall, I less godly survival wise but still pretty strong. I couldn't fearlessly wade my way through half a dozen Alliance anymore, but other than that I stood my ground quite well.

My Holy Paladin friend is working for his heals though, through one heavy battle he went OOM towards the end. Was 4 v 6 I think, their favor and we all seemed twinked. He also mentioned that Exorcism was pretty sick, maybe I won't get to treat Ret Paladins as fodder anymore...

My other friend, a Frost Mage, swears his damage got upped and was quite gleeful.

Overall I'm worried about if Pallies will be OP, but otherwise satisfied. Still needs more testing though.

Edit: Did another round with some nice crits, ranged from 1.1K to 1.3K. Considering my 1.7Ks were with massive debuffs on the target and massive buffs on myself, I'm gonna have to put the nail in my stealth nerf paranoia.
Only did one bg before I had to get on my main for Ulduar.

Aimed Shot crit > Arcane Shot crit > auto shot killed a few twink casters and a twink rogue, and most non twinks went down easier than that. As if I didn't feel cheap enough before the changes.

Blizzard has done an excellent job of balancing!!!
cherzra said:
I haven't entered and am probably not even going to bother on either my enh shaman or my lock. I canceled the account and as soon as I'm unbanned on the warcraft forums tomorrow, I expect another ban for telling them where to shove their disgusting changes.

Those people truly have no clue if they think this garbage is going to "balance" out lower level brackets. And there still isn't a word about any of this in the patch notes, nor a single response to any of the 1000s of twink threads... which is what infuriates me most. Arrogant sons of b1tches. Bah, I'm done with that game.

actually it was on the PTR notes and now patch notes that exorcism was going to do damage against players and all mobs. i saw the train wreck on this one. my 29 palidan is death on stick with it. actually was good before too.

blizz claims that they don't try to balance PVP other than endgame (now 80), but with palidans being already ridiculously OP at 80, especially ret-spec, this add on nuke really makes no sense.

Blizz also gave palidans a 30%+ bonus to haste items/enchants. so you take a set of gloves and put 10 haste and a 20 haste counterweight on a wpn and a palidan will have 39% haste on melee and fast ret-palidan
First impressions:

Logged on with roughly 2750 HP on my enhance shaman, respeced into toughness and dropped flurry. Now sitting at 2966. I'm looking at swapping out to my stamina cloak once I get AGI on it.

Fights for my enhance shaman were pretty much the same. I still get run over by palies and warriors - palies a little faster now.

Once the general retnoob population realizes they should be opening with exorcism instead of HoJ to knock out the grounding totem, fights against them will be trivialized. No dancing, no tactics. Just, Ex, HoJ, pwn, next fight for them with 90% health and 70% mana.

Also noticing druids still haven't worn the "wtf?" off of frost shocks having a root. Several times they stood there stationary while I caught up to em. Could almost see the wheels turning.

Not having flurry is, so far, a non-factor.

Had one roughly 1v1 fight vs. Rickrude with him as elem spec still knocking out the cob webs. That looks like it'll be a fun fight even with the root and shield totems. Probably mostly in favor of the elem shaman, but a fight with strategy none the less.
Yesintheface said:
First impressions:

Logged on with roughly 2750 HP on my enhance shaman, respeced into toughness and dropped flurry. Now sitting at 2966. I'm looking at swapping out to my stamina cloak once I get AGI on it.

Fights for my enhance shaman were pretty much the same. I still get run over by palies and warriors - palies a little faster now.

Once the general retnoob population realizes they should be opening with exorcism instead of HoJ to knock out the grounding totem, fights against them will be trivialized. No dancing, no tactics. Just, Ex, HoJ, pwn, next fight for them with 90% health and 70% mana.

Also noticing druids still haven't worn the "wtf?" off of frost shocks having a root. Several times they stood there stationary while I caught up to em. Could almost see the wheels turning.

Not having flurry is, so far, a non-factor.

Had one roughly 1v1 fight vs. Rickrude with him as elem spec still knocking out the cob webs. That looks like it'll be a fun fight even with the root and shield totems. Probably mostly in favor of the elem shaman, but a fight with strategy none the less.

That fight was looking to be a really good one. It was pretty funny. I honestly forgot all about you being able to root me. I just let you go and ran off once Antlers started healing me. Were you able to get your Stoneclaw Glyph? I still have not had a chance to get it made. I am about to go out of town for a few weeks but once I get back we will have to get in some games.
I haven't gotten the glyph yet. I'm thinking I'll drop the extra 3% chance of WF for it. It's either that or gain another sec cooldown on all my shocks.

Definitely up for some arenas or some 1v1s if we're in a BG together.
Why would we open the fight with exorcism to get the grounding totem? :p

Open with Hand of Reckoning if you see a grounding totem down. Then you have extra exorcism OP pew pew.
Taitaih said:
I was ok on my lock as destro against ret pallies (As long as nether protection popped ftw!)

I was on my sl/sl lock with 4500 health 340 spell power and lol'd at how much Ret Paladins are even easier to kill than when I was full affliction before this patch!!
Taitaih said:
Wish it wasn't necessary, but unfortunately with the burst rets can put out, I need it lol.

Seriously, exorcism doing that much damage in 49s was unnecessary for ret paladins. You can say I'm QQing, but I have a ret, and the burst I put out is just unfair.

I agree. My main twink is obviously my Warlock, and as I stated I have even less of an issue against Rets now I went SL/SL with this patch.

But my alternate 49s is a rogue and a Ret Paladin.

I went in and did some games earlier and I have to say critting 1100 exoricisms is pretty OP against most 49 classes.
Taitaih said:
Why would we open the fight with exorcism to get the grounding totem? :p

Open with Hand of Reckoning if you see a grounding totem down. Then you have extra exorcism OP pew pew.

Damage has been removed from Hand of Reckoning......

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